Overview | Module | Use | Devguide | Index |
Global Index G |
- G - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::awt:: .Key
- Gallery - property in service ::com::sun::star::util:: .PathSettings
- gallery - module ::com::sun::star:: .gallery
- GalleryItem - service ::com::sun::star::gallery:: .GalleryItem
- GalleryItemType - constants group ::com::sun::star::gallery:: .GalleryItemType
- GalleryItemType - property in service ::com::sun::star::gallery:: .GalleryItem
- GalleryTheme - service ::com::sun::star::gallery:: .GalleryTheme
- GalleryThemeProvider - service ::com::sun::star::gallery:: .GalleryThemeProvider
- Gamma - property in service ::com::sun::star::text:: .TextGraphicObject
- Gamma - property in service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .GraphicObjectShape
- GapWidth - property in service ::com::sun::star::chart:: .ChartAxis
- gDay - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::xsd:: .DataTypeClass
- GENERAL - value in enum ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .IOErrorCode
- GeneralFunction - enum ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .GeneralFunction
- GENERAL_TYPES_COUNT - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .CharType
- GENERAL_TYPES_COUNT - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .UnicodeType
- generate() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XXMLSignature
- generateFormat() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XNumberFormats
- generateLabel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2::data:: .XDataSequence
- generateSAXEvents() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::wrapper:: .XXMLDocumentWrapper
- Generation - field in struct ::com::sun::star::sync:: .SyncElement
- Generator - attribute in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XDocumentProperties
- Generator - property in service ::com::sun::star::document:: .DocumentInfo
- GenericClipboard - service ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::clipboard:: .GenericClipboard
- GenericDrawingDocument - service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .GenericDrawingDocument
- GenericDrawPage - service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .GenericDrawPage
- GenericPropertyHandler - service ::com::sun::star::inspection:: .GenericPropertyHandler
- GenericTextDocument - service ::com::sun::star::text:: .GenericTextDocument
- Geometry - property in service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .PolyPolygonBezierDescriptor
- Geometry - property in service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .PolyPolygonDescriptor
- geometry - module ::com::sun::star:: .geometry
- Geometry3D - property in service ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .DataPointProperties
- GET - value in enum ::com::sun::star::form:: .FormSubmitMethod
- GET - value in enum ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .WebDAVHTTPMethod
- GET - value in enum ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .FolderListCommand
- get() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlField
- get() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlArray
- get() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlField2
- get() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XMap
- getAcceleratorKeyEvent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XPopupMenu
- getAccessible() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XPane2
- getAccessibleActionAnchor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleHyperlink
- getAccessibleActionCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleAction
- getAccessibleActionDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleAction
- getAccessibleActionKeyBinding() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleAction
- getAccessibleActionObject() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleHyperlink
- getAccessibleAtPoint() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleComponent
- getAccessibleCaption() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getAccessibleCellAt() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getAccessibleChild() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleContext
- getAccessibleChildCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleContext
- getAccessibleColumn() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getAccessibleColumnCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getAccessibleColumnDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getAccessibleColumnExtentAt() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getAccessibleColumnHeaders() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getAccessibleContext() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessible
- getAccessibleDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleContext
- getAccessibleImageDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleImage
- getAccessibleImageHeight() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleImage
- getAccessibleImageWidth() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleImage
- getAccessibleIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getAccessibleIndexInParent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleContext
- getAccessibleKeyBinding() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleKeyBinding
- getAccessibleKeyBindingCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleKeyBinding
- getAccessibleName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleContext
- getAccessibleParent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleContext
- getAccessibleRelationSet() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleContext
- getAccessibleRole() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleContext
- getAccessibleRow() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getAccessibleRowCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getAccessibleRowDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getAccessibleRowExtentAt() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getAccessibleRowHeaders() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getAccessibleStateSet() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleContext
- getAccessibleSummary() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getAccessMode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlField2
- getAccessMode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlField
- getActionCaptionFromID() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::smarttags:: .XSmartTagAction
- getActionCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::smarttags:: .XSmartTagAction
- getActionID() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::smarttags:: .XSmartTagAction
- getActionListForInstall() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::setup:: .XSetup
- getActionNameFromID() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::smarttags:: .XSmartTagAction
- getActiveFrame() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XFramesSupplier
- getActiveSheet() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSpreadsheetView
- getActiveTabID() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XSimpleTabController
- getActiveTask() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XTasksSupplier
- getActiveTopWindow() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XExtendedToolkit
- getActuatingProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::inspection:: .XPropertyHandler
- getAdminEntity() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration::backend:: .XBackendEntities
- getAlgorithmList() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XExtendedIndexEntrySupplier
- getAlignment() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XFixedHyperlink
- getAlignment() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XFixedText
- getAllCalendars() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XLocaleData
- getAllCalendars() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCalendar
- getAllChanges() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XChangesSet
- getAllColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XExternalSheetCache
- getAllCurrencies() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XLocaleData
- getAllCurrencies2() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XLocaleData2
- getAllExtensions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XExtensionManager
- getAllFormatCode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XNumberFormatCode
- getAllFormatCodes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XNumberFormatCode
- getAllFormats() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XLocaleData
- getAllImageNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XImageManager
- getAllInstalledLocaleNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XLocaleData
- getAllItems() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XItemList
- getAllKeyEvents() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XAcceleratorConfiguration
- getAllListEntries() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form::binding:: .XListEntrySource
- getAllocatedArea() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XLayoutContainer
- getAllPersistent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::task:: .XPasswordContainer
- getAllRedoActionTitles() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XUndoManager
- getAllRelationships() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XRelationshipAccess
- getAllRows() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XExternalSheetCache
- getAllUndoActionTitles() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XUndoManager
- getAlternatives() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XSpellAlternatives
- getAlternativesCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XSpellAlternatives
- getAltKey() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XMouseEvent
- getAnchor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextContent
- getAnchor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XResourceId
- getAnchorURLs() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XResourceId
- getAnimationAttributes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XAnimation
- getAnimationNode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::animations:: .XAnimationNodeSupplier
- getAnnotation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetAnnotationAnchor
- getAnnotations() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetAnnotationsSupplier
- getAnnotationShape() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetAnnotationShapeSupplier
- getAny() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::test::performance:: .XPerformanceTest
- getAnyColumnDescriptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XAnyDescriptionAccess
- getAnyRowDescriptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XAnyDescriptionAccess
- getApplication() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDDELink
- getArea() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XChartDocument
- getArgs() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XModel
- getArgumentDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XAddIn
- getArray() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XArray
- getArray() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getArray() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getArray() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlClass
- getArrayAtIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XArray
- getArrayFormula() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XArrayFormulaRange
- getArrayTokens() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XArrayFormulaTokens
- getAsciiListValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::registry:: .XRegistryKey
- getAsciiValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::registry:: .XRegistryKey
- getAsProperty() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XProperty
- getAtom() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XAtomServer
- getAtomDescriptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XAtomServer
- getAttachments() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mail:: .XMailMessage
- getAttrChange() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XMutationEvent
- getAttribute() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XElement
- getAttributeNode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XElement
- getAttributeNodeNS() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XElement
- getAttributeNS() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XElement
- getAttributes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::input:: .XElement
- getAttributes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XStruct
- getAttributes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNode
- getAttrName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XMutationEvent
- getAuthor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetAnnotation
- getAuthority() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::uri:: .XUriReference
- getAutoCommit() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XConnection
- getAutoscrollRegion() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::dnd:: .XAutoscroll
- getAutoStyles() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::style:: .XAutoStylesSupplier
- getAvailableFilterNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XFrameLoaderQuery
- getAvailableHeight() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XFilePreview
- getAvailableLanguages() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::setup:: .XSetup
- getAvailableLanguages() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XLanguageGuessing
- getAvailableLocales() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XAvailableLocales
- getAvailableLocales() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XLocale
- getAvailableMappings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XFormulaOpCodeMapper
- getAvailableMimeTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::report:: .XReportDefinition
- getAvailableModules() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XTransliteration
- getAvailableScanners() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::scanner:: .XScannerManager
- getAvailableServiceNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XContentEnumerationAccess
- getAvailableServiceNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::lang:: .XMultiComponentFactory
- getAvailableServiceNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::lang:: .XMultiServiceFactory
- getAvailableServices() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XLinguServiceManager
- getAvailableSizes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XCanvasFont
- getAvailableViewControllerNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XModel2
- getAvailableWidth() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XFilePreview
- getAxis() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxisSupplier
- getAxisByDimension() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XCoordinateSystem
- getAxisTitle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxis
- getBackground() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleComponent
- getBaselineOffset() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XTextLayout
- getBaseType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XCompoundTypeDescription
- getBaseType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XArray
- getBaseType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XInterfaceTypeDescription
- getBaseTypeName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRef
- getBaseTypeName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XArray
- getBaseTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XInterfaceTypeDescription2
- getBasicDataType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XDataTypeRepository
- getBccRecipients() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mail:: .XMailMessage
- getBestRowIdentifier() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getBezierSegment() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XBezierPolyPolygon2D
- getBezierSegments() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XBezierPolyPolygon2D
- getBinarySetup() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XPrinterPropertySet
- getBinaryStream() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getBinaryStream() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getBinaryStream() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XBlob
- getBinaryValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::registry:: .XRegistryKey
- getBinding() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XXMLSignatureTemplate
- getBinding() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XModel
- getBindingForNode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XFormsUIHelper1
- getBindingName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XFormsUIHelper1
- getBindingNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rdf:: .XQuerySelectResult
- getBindings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XModel
- getBitmap() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::scanner:: .XScannerManager
- GETBITS - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::awt:: .DeviceCapability
- getBitsPerPixel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XIntegerBitmapColorSpace
- getBla() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntroTest
- getBlob() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getBlob() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getBlockIncrement() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XScrollBar
- getBlub() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntroTest
- getBookmark() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .XRowLocate
- getBookmarks() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XBookmarksSupplier
- getBookmarks() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XBookmarksSupplier
- getBoolean() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::xpath:: .XXPathObject
- getBoolean() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getBoolean() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getBorder() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XControllerBorder
- getBounds() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleComponent
- getBounds() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XRegion
- getBridge() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::bridge:: .XBridgeFactory
- getBubbles() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XEvent
- getBufferController() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XGraphicDevice
- getBundle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackage
- getButton() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XMouseEvent
- getByHierarchicalName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XHierarchicalNameAccess
- getById() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XFunctionDescriptions
- getByIdentifier() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XIdentifierAccess
- getByImplicitID() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XImplicitIDAccess
- getByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XIndexAccess
- getByKey() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XNumberFormats
- getByName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XNameAccess
- getByScopeName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XNamedRanges2
- getByte() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getByte() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getByte() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::xpath:: .XXPathObject
- getBytes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getBytes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XBlob
- getBytes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getByUniqueID() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XUniqueIDAccess
- getCalculator() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XRegressionCurve
- getCalloutOffset() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XPaneBorderPainter
- getCancelable() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XEvent
- getCanvas() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XPane
- getCanvas() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XSimpleCanvas
- getCanvas() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowView
- getCanvasArea() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowView
- getCapabilities() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XDynamicResultSet
- getCaret() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XTextLayout
- getCaretPosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleText
- getCatalog() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XConnection
- getCatalogName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XResultSetMetaData
- getCatalogs() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getCatalogSeparator() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getCatalogTerm() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getCategory() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::report::meta:: .XFunctionManager
- getCcRecipients() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mail:: .XMailMessage
- getCellAddress() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XCellAddressable
- getCellByName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextTable
- getCellByPosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XCellRangesAccess
- getCellByPosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XCellRange
- getCellData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .XGridDataModel
- getCellFormatRanges() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XCellFormatRangesSupplier
- getCellNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextTable
- getCellRangeByName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XCellRange
- getCellRangeByPosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XCellRangesAccess
- getCellRangeByPosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XCellRange
- getCellRangesByName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XCellRangesAccess
- getCells() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetCellRanges
- getCellToolTip() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .XGridDataModel
- getCellValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XExternalSheetCache
- getCenterText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XHeaderFooterContent
- getCertificate() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XSecurityEnvironment
- getCertificateCharacters() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XSecurityEnvironment
- getCertificateUsage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::security:: .XCertificate
- getChapterNumberingRules() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XChapterNumberingSupplier
- getCharacter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleText
- getCharacterAttributes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleText
- getCharacterBounds() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleText
- getCharacterCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleText
- getCharacterDirection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCharacterClassification
- getCharacterStream() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getCharacterStream() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getCharacterStream() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XClob
- getCharacterType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCharacterClassification
- getCharts() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XTableChartsSupplier
- getChartType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartType
- getChartTypeForNewSeries() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartTypeTemplate
- getChartTypeManager() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartDocument
- getChartTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartTypeContainer
- getCharWidth() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XFont
- getCharWidths() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XFont
- getChildAt() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::tree:: .XTreeNode
- getChildCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::tree:: .XTreeNode
- getChildNodes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script::browse:: .XBrowseNode
- getChildNodes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNode
- getChildProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XLayoutContainer
- getChildren() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XLayoutContainer
- getChildSections() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextSection
- getCipherContext() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XCipherContextSupplier
- getClass() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlClass
- getClass() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XAtomServer
- getClasses() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XAtomServer
- getClasses() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlClass
- getClassID() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XClassifiedObject
- getClassName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XClassifiedObject
- getClientSite() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XEmbeddedObject
- getClientX() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XMouseEvent
- getClientY() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XMouseEvent
- getClipboard() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XDataTransferProviderAccess
- getClipboard() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::clipboard:: .XClipboardManager
- getClipRectangle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XInplaceClient
- getClob() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getClob() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getClosestNodeForLocation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::tree:: .XTreeControl
- getCodeNameForObject() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XCodeNameQuery
- getCollapsedGraphicURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::tree:: .XTreeNode
- getCollationOptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XLocaleData
- getCollatorImplementations() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XLocaleData
- getCollectedLog() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::logging:: .XSimpleLogRing
- getColor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XParametricPolyPolygon2D
- getColorByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XColorScheme
- getColorSpace() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XBitmapPalette
- getColorSpace() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XParametricPolyPolygon2D
- getColumn() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .XGridColumnModel
- getColumnAtPoint() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .XGridControl
- getColumnCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextColumns
- getColumnCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XResultSetMetaData
- getColumnCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .XGridColumnModel
- getColumnDescriptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XChartDataArray
- getColumnDisplaySize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XResultSetMetaData
- getColumnFields() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotDescriptor
- getColumnLabel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XResultSetMetaData
- getColumnName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XResultSetMetaData
- getColumnNumber() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XLocator
- getColumnPageBreaks() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetPageBreak
- getColumnPrivileges() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextTable
- getColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .XColumnsSupplier
- getColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .XGridColumnModel
- getColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextColumns
- getColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XColumnRowRange
- getColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form:: .XGridPeer
- getColumnsAndLines() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTextLayoutConstrains
- getColumnServiceName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XResultSetMetaData
- getColumnSpan() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XMergeableCell
- getColumnType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XResultSetMetaData
- getColumnTypeName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XResultSetMetaData
- getColumnTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form:: .XGridColumnFactory
- getCommand() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb::tools:: .XViewAccess
- getCommand() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMenu
- getCommandByKeyEvent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XAcceleratorConfiguration
- getCommandInfoByHandle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XCommandInfo
- getCommandInfoByName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XCommandInfo
- getCommands() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XCommandInfo
- getCompatibilityNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XCompatibilityNames
- getComplexColumnDescriptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XComplexDescriptionAccess
- getComplexRowDescriptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XComplexDescriptionAccess
- getComponent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XComponentSupplier
- getComponentBitCounts() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XIntegerBitmapColorSpace
- getComponentContext() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script::provider:: .XScriptContext
- getComponents() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XDesktop
- getComponentSchema() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration::backend:: .XSchemaSupplier
- getComponentTags() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XColorSpace
- getComponentType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlClass
- getComponentWindow() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XFrame
- getComposedName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb::tools:: .XTableName
- getComposedQuery() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XSQLQueryComposer
- getComposer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb::tools:: .XConnectionTools
- getConfigurableDispatchInformation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XDispatchInformationProvider
- getConfigurationController() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XControllerManager
- getConfiguredServices() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XLinguServiceManager
- getConnection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getConnection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDataSource
- getConnection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XStatement
- getConnection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDriverManager
- getConnection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XPooledConnection
- getConnection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XPreparedStatement
- getConnectionInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData2
- getConnectionPointContainer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::lang:: .XConnectionPoint
- getConnectionPointTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::lang:: .XConnectionPointContainer
- getConnections() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::lang:: .XConnectionPoint
- getConnectionType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::lang:: .XConnectionPoint
- getConnectionWithInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDriverManager
- getConstants() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XConstantsTypeDescription
- getConstantValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XConstantTypeDescription
- getConstructors() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XServiceTypeDescription2
- getContainer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTabController
- getContainerWindow() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XFrame
- getContainerWindow() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XDockingAreaAcceptor
- getContent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XArchiver
- getContent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XNamedRange
- getContent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XDocumentTemplates
- getContentCanvas() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XCustomSprite
- getContentIdentifier() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XContentIdentifier
- getContentProvider() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XContentProviderSupplier
- getContentProviderScheme() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XContentIdentifier
- getContents() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::clipboard:: .XClipboard
- getContentType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XContent
- getContentType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XDataContainer
- getContentType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XFilterDetect
- getContentType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XSimpleFileAccess
- getContext() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::security:: .XAccessController
- getContext() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XControl
- getContext() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackageManager
- getContextInformation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XDebugging
- getContinuations() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::task:: .XInteractionRequest
- getControl() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XControlContainer
- getControl() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XControlShape
- getControl() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XControlAccess
- getController() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XFrame
- getController() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XPresentation2
- getControllers() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XModel2
- getControlModels() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTabControllerModel
- getControlProperty() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XControlAccess
- getControls() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTabController
- getControls() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XControlContainer
- getConversion() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XTextConversion
- getConversionEntries() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XConversionDictionary
- getConversions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XConversionDictionary
- getConversions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XTextConversion
- getConversionType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XConversionDictionary
- getConversionWithOffset() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XExtendedTextConversion
- getCoordinateSystems() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XCoordinateSystemContainer
- getCoordinateSystemType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XCoordinateSystem
- getCorrectedValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMetricField
- getCorrelationCoefficient() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XRegressionCurveCalculator
- getCorrespondingElement() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sync:: .XSyncCollector
- getCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XDictionary
- getCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XMultiFormulaTokens
- getCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XDictionary1
- getCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XDictionaryList
- getCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XIndexAccess
- getCreator() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XFrame
- getCrossReference() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getCTLScriptType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XScriptTypeDetector
- getCtrlKey() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XMouseEvent
- getCurrentBlockingNode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto::sax:: .XSAXEventKeeper
- getCurrentClipRect() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XSimpleCanvas
- getCurrentColumn() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .XGridControl
- getCurrentColumnPosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form:: .XGrid
- getCurrentComponent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XDesktop
- getCurrentConfiguration() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XConfigurationController
- getCurrentConnectionContext() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mail:: .XMailService
- getCurrentControl() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form:: .XFormController
- getCurrentController() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XModel
- getCurrentCursor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::dnd:: .XDragSourceContext
- getCurrentDockingArea() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XLayoutManager
- getCurrentElement() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::wrapper:: .XXMLDocumentWrapper
- getCurrentFillColor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XSimpleCanvas
- getCurrentFilter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XFileDialog
- getCurrentFilter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XFilterManager
- getCurrentFont() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XSimpleCanvas
- getCurrentFrame() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XDesktop
- getCurrentLocale() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XStringResourceResolver
- getCurrentPage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XWizard
- getCurrentPage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XDrawView
- getCurrentPenColor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XSimpleCanvas
- getCurrentProduct() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mozilla:: .XProfileManager
- getCurrentProfile() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mozilla:: .XProfileManager
- getCurrentRedoActionTitle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XUndoManager
- getCurrentRenderState() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XSimpleCanvas
- getCurrentRow() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .XGridControl
- getCurrentSelection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XModel
- getCurrentSlide() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShow
- getCurrentSlide() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowController
- getCurrentSlideIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowController
- getCurrentSortOrder() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .XSortableGridData
- getCurrentState() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XEmbeddedObject
- getCurrentTarget() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XEvent
- getCurrentTransformation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XSimpleCanvas
- getCurrentUndoActionTitle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XUndoManager
- getCurrentValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form::validation:: .XValidatableFormComponent
- getCurrentValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleValue
- getCurrentViewState() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XSimpleCanvas
- getCurveValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XRegressionCurveCalculator
- getCurveValues() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XRegressionCurveCalculator
- getCustomPresentations() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XCustomPresentationSupplier
- getData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer:: .XSystemTransferable
- getData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer:: .XTransferDataAccess
- getData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XIeeeFloatReadOnlyBitmap
- getData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XIntegerReadOnlyBitmap
- getData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XStarBasicDialogInfo
- getData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XIeeeDoubleReadOnlyBitmap
- getData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XHalfFloatReadOnlyBitmap
- getData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XChartDataArray
- getData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XProcessingInstruction
- getData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2::data:: .XDataSequence
- getData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XCharacterData
- getData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XDataContainer
- getData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XChartDocument
- getDataArea() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XLabelRange
- getDataArea() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDatabaseRange
- getDataArray() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XCellRangeData
- getDatabaseAccess() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XDatabaseEnvironment
- getDatabaseLocation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XDatabaseRegistrations
- getDatabaseProductName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getDatabaseProductVersion() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getDataByRangeRepresentation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XInternalDataProvider
- getDataDefinitionByConnection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .XDataDefinitionSupplier
- getDataDefinitionByURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .XDataDefinitionSupplier
- getDataFields() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotDescriptor
- getDataFlavorFromSystemDataType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer:: .XDataFormatTranslator
- getDataInterpreter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartTypeTemplate
- getDataLayoutField() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotDataLayoutFieldSupplier
- getDataPilotFields() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotDescriptor
- getDataPilotTables() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotTablesSupplier
- getDataPointByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XDataSeries
- getDataPointProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XDiagram
- getDataProvider() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartDocument
- getDataRowProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XDiagram
- getDataSequences() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2::data:: .XDataSource
- getDataSeries() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XDataSeriesContainer
- getDataSourceDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer:: .XTransferableSource
- getDataSourceMetaData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb::tools:: .XConnectionTools
- getDataStream() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::packages:: .XDataSinkEncrSupport
- getDataType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XDataTypeRepository
- getDataTypeRepository() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XModel
- getDataURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XDataContainer
- getDate() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getDate() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getDate() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XDateField
- getDate() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetAnnotation
- getDateCategories() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XDateCategories
- getDateTime() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCalendar
- getDateTimeModified() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XSimpleFileAccess
- getDays() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCalendar
- getDecimalDigits() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMetricField
- getDecimalDigits() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XCurrencyField
- getDecimalDigits() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XNumericField
- getDeclaringClass() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlMember
- getDecomposition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .XSvgParser
- getDecomposition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .XPrimitive3D
- getDecomposition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .XPrimitive2D
- getDefault() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XNumberFormatCode
- getDefault() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XLocale
- getDefaultActions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::dnd:: .XDropTarget
- getDefaultAsProperty() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XPropertyWithState
- getDefaultAttributes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTextAttributes
- getDefaultBindingExpressionForNode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XFormsUIHelper1
- getDefaultColorScheme() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XDiagram
- getDefaultContinuousNumberingLevels() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XDefaultNumberingProvider
- getDefaultCursor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::dnd:: .XDragSource
- getDefaultDestinationPath() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::setup:: .XSetup
- getDefaultDiscriminant() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XUnionTypeDescription
- getDefaultEnumValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XEnumTypeDescription
- getDefaultInstance() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XModel
- getDefaultItem() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XPopupMenu
- getDefaultLocale() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XStringResourceResolver
- getDefaultLogger() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::logging:: .XLoggerPool
- getDefaultMemberType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XUnionTypeDescription
- getDefaultMethodName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XDefaultMethod
- getDefaultOutlineNumberings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XDefaultNumberingProvider
- getDefaultPermissions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::security:: .XPolicy
- getDefaultProfile() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mozilla:: .XProfileDiscover
- getDefaultPropertyName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XDefaultProperty
- getDefaults() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::style:: .XDefaultsSupplier
- getDefaultSecurityEnvironmentIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XXMLSecurityContext
- getDefaultServiceNameForNode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XFormsUIHelper1
- getDefaultSettings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XModuleUIConfigurationManager
- getDefaultTransactionIsolation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getDefaultView() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::views:: .XDocumentView
- getDeployedExtension() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XExtensionManager
- getDeployedExtensions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XExtensionManager
- getDeployedPackage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackageManager
- getDeployedPackages() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackageManager
- getDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::bridge:: .XBridge
- getDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::connection:: .XConnection
- getDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackageTypeInfo
- getDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::smarttags:: .XSmartTagRecognizer
- getDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackage
- getDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::smarttags:: .XSmartTagAction
- getDesktop() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script::provider:: .XScriptContext
- getDesktopWindow() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XToolkit
- getDestArea() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XAreaLink
- getDetail() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XUIEvent
- getDevice() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XSimpleCanvas
- getDevice() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XCanvas
- getDeviceColorSpace() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XGraphicDevice
- getDiagram() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XDiagramProvider
- getDiagram() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XChartDocument
- getDiagramType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XDiagram
- getDialogContainer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XStarBasicLibraryInfo
- getDIB() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XBitmap
- getDictionaries() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XDictionaryList
- getDictionaryByName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XDictionaryList
- getDictionaryContainer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XConversionDictionaryList
- getDictionaryType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XDictionary
- getDictionaryType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XDictionary1
- getDictionaryWord() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XDictionaryEntry
- getDigestContext() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XDigestContextSupplier
- getDimension() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XCoordinateSystem
- getDimensions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDimensionsSupplier
- getDimensions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XArrayTypeDescription
- getDirectElement() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XResourceBundle
- getDirectory() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XFolderPicker
- GetDirectPropertyTolerantResult - struct ::com::sun::star::beans:: .GetDirectPropertyTolerantResult
- getDirectPropertyValuesTolerant() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XTolerantMultiPropertySet
- getDisabledLanguages() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XLanguageGuessing
- getDiscriminants() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XUnionTypeDescription
- getDiscriminantType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XUnionTypeDescription
- getDispatchRecorder() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XDispatchRecorderSupplier
- getDisplayArgumentName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XAddIn
- getDisplayCategoryName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XAddIn
- getDisplayCountry() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XLocale
- getDisplayCountry_Default() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XLocale
- getDisplayDirectory() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XFilePicker
- getDisplayDirectory() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XFolderPicker
- getDisplayFunctionName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XAddIn
- getDisplayLanguage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XLocale
- getDisplayLanguage_Default() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XLocale
- getDisplayName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XNamedEx
- getDisplayName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XLocale
- getDisplayName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCalendar
- getDisplayName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackage
- getDisplayName_Default() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XLocale
- getDisplayString() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XExtendedCalendar
- getDisplayValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::tree:: .XTreeNode
- getDisplayVariant() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XLocale
- getDisplayVariant_Default() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XLocale
- getDockingAreaAcceptor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XLayoutManager
- getDoctype() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XDocument
- getDocument() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XSAXDocumentBuilder
- getDocument() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script::provider:: .XScriptContext
- getDocument() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::views:: .XAbstractView
- getDocumentContentSignatureDefaultStreamName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::security:: .XDocumentDigitalSignatures
- getDocumentElement() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XDocument
- getDocumentFragment() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XSAXDocumentBuilder
- getDocumentIndexes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XDocumentIndexesSupplier
- getDocumentInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XDocumentInfoSupplier
- getDocumentLanguages() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XDocumentLanguages
- getDocumentProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XDocumentPropertiesSupplier
- getDocumentStorage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XStorageBasedDocument
- getDocumentSubStorage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XDocumentSubStorageSupplier
- getDocumentSubStoragesNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XDocumentSubStorageSupplier
- getDOMImplementation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XDocumentBuilder
- getDouble() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getDouble() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getDouble() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::xpath:: .XXPathObject
- getDouble() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::test::performance:: .XPerformanceTest
- getDownBar() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XStatisticDisplay
- getDragGestureRecognizer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XDataTransferProviderAccess
- getDragSource() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XDataTransferProviderAccess
- getDrawPage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XDrawPageSupplier
- getDrawPages() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XDrawPagesSupplier
- getDrillDownData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotTable2
- getDrillDownData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDrillDownDataSupplier
- getDriverByURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDriverAccess
- getDriverMajorVersion() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getDriverMinorVersion() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getDriverName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getDriverVersion() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getDroenk() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntroTest
- getDropDownLineCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XComboBox
- getDropDownLineCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XListBox
- getDropTarget() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XDataTransferProviderAccess
- getDuration() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::media:: .XPlayer
- getElement() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XLayoutManager
- getElement() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto::sax:: .XSAXEventKeeper
- getElementById() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XDocument
- getElementByMetadataReference() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rdf:: .XDocumentMetadataAccess
- getElementByURI() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rdf:: .XDocumentMetadataAccess
- getElementNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XNameAccess
- getElementPos() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XLayoutManager
- getElementPropertyValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XOptimizedStorage
- getElements() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XLayoutManager
- getElementsByTagName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XElement
- getElementsByTagName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XDocument
- getElementsByTagNameNS() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XDocument
- getElementsByTagNameNS() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XElement
- getElementScopeNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XNamedRanges2
- getElementSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XLayoutManager
- getElementTemplateName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration:: .XTemplateContainer
- getElementType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XElementAccess
- getEmbeddedObject() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XEmbeddedObjectSupplier
- getEmbeddedObjects() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextEmbeddedObjectsSupplier
- getEnabledLanguages() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XLanguageGuessing
- getEncryptionAlgorithms() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XEncryptionProtectedStorage
- getEnd() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextRange
- getEndianness() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XIntegerBitmapColorSpace
- getEndIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleHyperlink
- getEndnotes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XEndnotesSupplier
- getEndnoteSettings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XEndnotesSupplier
- getEndnotesSettings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XEndnotesSettingsSupplier
- getEntities() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XDocumentType
- getEntries() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XDictionary1
- getEntries() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XDictionary
- getEntry() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XDictionary
- getEntry() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XDictionary1
- getEntryName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XEmbedPersist
- getEnumNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XEnumTypeDescription
- getEnumValues() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XEnumTypeDescription
- getEquationProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XRegressionCurve
- getError() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::scanner:: .XScannerManager
- getError() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XCell
- getErrorExceptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::test:: .XSimpleTest
- getErrors() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::test:: .XSimpleTest
- getEventBroadcaster() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::report:: .XReportDefinition
- getEventPhase() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XEvent
- getEvents() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XEventsSupplier
- getEvents() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XScriptEventsSupplier
- getEventsManager() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XUIConfigurationManager
- getExactName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XExactName
- getExceptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XServiceConstructorDescription
- getExceptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XInterfaceMethodTypeDescription
- getExceptionTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlMethod
- getExistingBridges() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::bridge:: .XBridgeFactory
- getExpandedGraphicURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::tree:: .XTreeNode
- getExportedKeys() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- GetExpression - service ::com::sun::star::text::textfield:: .GetExpression
- getExtendedControlOverEmbeddedObject() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XEmbeddedObjectSupplier2
- getExtensionList() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackageInformationProvider
- getExtensionsWithSameIdentifier() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XExtensionManager
- getExtensionsWithUnacceptedLicenses() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackageManager
- getExtensionsWithUnacceptedLicenses() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XExtensionManager
- getExternalSourceURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XStarBasicLibraryInfo
- getExtraData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XArchiver
- getExtraFontProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XCanvasFont
- getExtraNameCharacters() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getFactory() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XUIElementFactoryRegistration
- getFailureType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XSpellAlternatives
- getFastAttributes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XFastAttributeList
- getFastPropertyDefault() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XFastPropertyState
- getFastPropertyState() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XFastPropertyState
- getFastPropertyStates() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XFastPropertyState
- getFastPropertyValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XFastPropertySet
- getField() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlClass
- getFields() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlClass
- getFieldsByCommandDescriptor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb::tools:: .XConnectionTools
- getFieldType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFormField
- getFileFilter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackageTypeInfo
- getFileProviderLocality() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XFileIdentifierConverter
- getFiles() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XFilePicker
- getFileURLFromSystemPath() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XFileIdentifierConverter
- getFillRule() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XPolyPolygon2D
- getFilter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XSQLQueryComposer
- getFilter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XInteractionFilterSelect
- getFilter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer
- getFilterComponent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form::runtime:: .XFilterController
- getFilterDescriptor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDatabaseRange
- getFilterDescriptor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotDescriptor
- getFilterFields() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetFilterDescriptor
- getFilterFields2() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetFilterDescriptor2
- getFilterOptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XInteractionFilterOptions
- getFirst() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XNumericField
- getFirst() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTimeField
- getFirst() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XDateField
- getFirst() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XCurrencyField
- getFirst() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMetricField
- getFirstChild() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNode
- getFirstDayOfWeek() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCalendar
- getFirstDiagram() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartDocument
- getFirstPara() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFlatParagraphIterator
- getFirstVisibleColumn() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XViewPane
- getFirstVisibleRow() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XViewPane
- getFlatParagraphIterator() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFlatParagraphIteratorProvider
- getFloat() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::xpath:: .XXPathObject
- getFloat() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::test::performance:: .XPerformanceTest
- getFloat() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getFloat() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getFloor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .X3DDisplay
- getFloor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XDiagram
- getFolderContents() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XSimpleFileAccess
- getFont() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XDevice
- getFont() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleExtendedComponent
- getFont() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XTextLayout
- getFontDescriptor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XFont
- getFontDescriptors() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XDevice
- getFontMetric() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XFont
- getFontMetrics() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XCanvasFont
- getFontMetrics() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XSimpleCanvas
- getFontRequest() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XCanvasFont
- getFooter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XHeaderFooterPageStyle
- getFootnotes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFootnotesSupplier
- getFootnoteSettings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFootnotesSupplier
- getFootnotesSettings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFootnotesSettingsSupplier
- getForbiddenCharacters() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XForbiddenCharacters
- getForbiddenCharacters() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XLocaleData
- getForeground() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleComponent
- getFormatCode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XNumberFormatCode
- getFormatForLocale() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XNumberFormatTypes
- getFormatIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XNumberFormatTypes
- getFormattedRepresentation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XRegressionCurveCalculator
- getFormController() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XFormLayerAccess
- getFormDescriptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XPrinterPropertySet
- getFormDocuments() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XFormDocumentsSupplier
- getForms() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form:: .XFormsSupplier
- getFormula() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XCell
- getFormulaArray() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XCellRangeFormula
- getFormula1() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetCondition
- getFormula2() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetCondition
- getFragment() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::uri:: .XUriReference
- getFrame() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XController
- getFrames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XFramesSupplier
- getFullMediaType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer:: .XMimeContentType
- getFullResourceURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XResourceId
- getFunction() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XConsolidationDescriptor
- getFunction() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::report::meta:: .XFunctionCategory
- getFunctionByName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::report::meta:: .XFunctionManager
- getFunctionCode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XLibraryAccess
- getFunctionDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XAddIn
- getFunctionSource() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XLibraryAccess
- getGeneratedValues() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XGeneratedResultSet
- getGetExceptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XInterfaceAttributeTypeDescription2
- getGluePoints() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XGluePointsSupplier
- getGrantablePrivileges() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .XAuthorizable
- getGraph() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rdf:: .XRepository
- getGraphicObjects() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextGraphicObjectsSupplier
- getGraphics() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XView
- getGraphNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rdf:: .XRepository
- getGridProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XAxis
- getGroup() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTabControllerModel
- getGroup() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer
- getGroupByName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTabControllerModel
- getGroupColumn() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSubTotalField
- getGroupColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer
- getGroupControl() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTabControllerModel
- getGroupCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTabControllerModel
- getGroups() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .XGroupsSupplier
- getGulp() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntroTest
- getHandoutMasterPage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XHandoutMasterSupplier
- getHasColumnHeaders() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XTableChart
- getHasRowHeaders() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XTableChart
- getHavingClause() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer
- getHead() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::logging:: .XLogFormatter
- getHeader() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XHeaderFooterPageStyle
- getHeightForWidth() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XSidebarPanel
- getHeightForWidth() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XLayoutFlow
- getHeightForWidth() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XLayoutContainer
- getHelpCommand() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMenu
- getHelpText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMenu
- getHelpText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::setup:: .XSetup
- getHiddenFields() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotDescriptor
- getHierarchicalName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XHierarchicalName
- getHierarchicalPropertySetInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XMultiHierarchicalPropertySet
- getHierarchicalPropertySetInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XHierarchicalPropertySet
- getHierarchicalPropertyValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XHierarchicalPropertySet
- getHierarchicalPropertyValues() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XMultiHierarchicalPropertySet
- getHierarchies() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XHierarchiesSupplier
- getHttpServerURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mozilla:: .XPluginInstance
- getHyper() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::xpath:: .XXPathObject
- getHyper() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::test::performance:: .XPerformanceTest
- getHyperLink() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleHypertext
- getHyperLinkCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleHypertext
- getHyperLinkIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleHypertext
- getHyphenatedWord() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XHyphenatedWord
- getHyphenationPos() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XHyphenatedWord
- getHyphenationPositions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XPossibleHyphens
- getHyphenator() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XLinguServiceManager
- getHyphenPos() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XHyphenatedWord
- getIcon() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackage
- getIcon() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackageTypeInfo
- getID() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XModel
- getIdentifier() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XModule
- getIdentifier() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XFastTokenHandler
- getIdentifier() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XDisplayConnection
- getIdentifier() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XContent
- getIdentifier() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackage
- getIdentifierQuoteString() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getIdentifiers() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XIdentifierAccess
- getIdlClasses() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlClassProvider
- getImageManager() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XUIConfigurationManager
- getImageProducer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form:: .XImageProducerSupplier
- getImages() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XImageManager
- getImageSet() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XAnimatedImages
- getImageSetCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XAnimatedImages
- getImplementation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XDocument
- getImplementationId() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::lang:: .XTypeProvider
- getImplementationName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::lang:: .XServiceInfo
- getImplementations() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::registry:: .XImplementationRegistration
- getImplicitIDs() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XImplicitIDAccess
- getImportDescriptor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDatabaseRange
- getImportedKeys() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XBitmapPalette
- getIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::tree:: .XTreeNode
- getIndexAtPoint() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleText
- getIndexByQName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::input:: .XAttributes
- getIndexByUidName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::input:: .XAttributes
- getIndexCharacter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XIndexEntrySupplier
- getIndexes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .XIndexesSupplier
- getIndexFollowPageWord() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XIndexEntrySupplier
- getIndexInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getIndexKey() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XExtendedIndexEntrySupplier
- getInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XInvocation2
- getInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XDevice
- getInfoForName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XInvocation2
- getInplaceDispatchProvider() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XInplaceClient
- getInputStream() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::io:: .XStream
- getInputStream() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XBinaryStreamResolver
- getInputStream() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::io:: .XActiveDataSink
- getInputString() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XNumberFormatter
- getInsertLinks() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XConsolidationDescriptor
- getInstance() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::bridge:: .XInstanceProvider
- getInstance() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::bridge:: .XBridge
- getInstanceDocument() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XModel
- getInstances() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XModel
- getInt() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getInt() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getInteraction() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XCustomShapeEngine
- getInteractionHandler() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XCommandEnvironment
- getInterceptedURLs() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XInterceptorInfo
- getInterface() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XSingletonTypeDescription2
- getInterface() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::test::performance:: .XPerformanceTest
- getInterface() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XServiceTypeDescription2
- getInterfaces() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlClass
- getInternalSubset() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XDocumentType
- getIntrospection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XInvocation
- getIntroTest() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntroTest
- getInverseScaling() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XScaling
- getInvocationContext() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script::provider:: .XScriptContext
- getIsMerged() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XMergeable
- getISOCountries() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XLocale
- getISOLanguages() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XLocale
- getIsolatedConnection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XIsolatedConnection
- getIsolatedConnection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XDatabaseAccess
- getIsolatedConnectionWithCompletion() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XIsolatedConnection
- getISO3Country() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XLocale
- getISO3Language() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XLocale
- getIsScenario() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XScenario
- getIsVisible() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetAnnotation
- getIsWindowSplit() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XViewSplitable
- getItem() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDDELink
- getItem() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XListBox
- getItem() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XComboBox
- getItemCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XListBox
- getItemCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMenu
- getItemCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XComboBox
- getItemData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XItemList
- getItemId() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMenu
- getItemImage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XPopupMenu
- getItemImage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XItemList
- getItemPos() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMenu
- getItems() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotField
- getItems() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XListBox
- getItems() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XComboBox
- getItemText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMenu
- getItemText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XItemList
- getItemTextAndImage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XItemList
- getItemType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMenu
- getJavaVM() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::java:: .XJavaVM
- getKernPairs() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XFont
- getKey() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XPersistentPropertySet
- getKeyByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XStringKeyMap
- getKeyEventsByCommand() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XAcceleratorConfiguration
- getKeyNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::registry:: .XRegistryKey
- getKeys() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .XKeysSupplier
- getKeyType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::registry:: .XRegistryKey
- getLabel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XLabeled
- getLabel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2::data:: .XLabeledDataSequence
- getLabel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XFilePickerControlAccess
- getLabel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFootnote
- getLabelAnchor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XLabeled
- getLabelArea() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XLabelRange
- getLanguage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XStarBasicModuleInfo
- getLanguage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XDictionary1
- getLanguageCountryInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XLocaleData
- getLanguageOfText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFlatParagraph
- getLanguagePortions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFlatParagraph
- getLanguages() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XSupportedLanguages
- getLanguagesForCountry() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XLocale
- getLast() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMetricField
- getLast() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XDateField
- getLast() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XNumericField
- getLast() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XCurrencyField
- getLast() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTimeField
- getLastChild() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNode
- getLastPara() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFlatParagraphIterator
- getLayer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration::backend:: .XSingleLayerStratum
- getLayer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration::backend:: .XMultiLayerStratum
- getLayerForShape() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XLayerManager
- getLayerManager() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XLayerSupplier
- getLayers() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration::backend:: .XMultiLayerStratum
- getLayoutContainer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XLayoutRoot
- getLayoutManager() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XInplaceClient
- getLayoutUnit() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XLayoutContainer
- getLeftPagesText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XHeaderFooter
- getLeftText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XHeaderFooterContent
- getLegend() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XDiagram
- getLegend() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XChartDocument
- getLen() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlArray
- getLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::io:: .XSeekable
- getLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNamedNodeMap
- getLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XAttributeList
- getLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::input:: .XAttributes
- getLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XCharacterData
- getLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNodeList
- getLevel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util::logging:: .XLogger
- getLevel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util::logging:: .XLoggerRemote
- getLevels() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XLevelsSupplier
- getLibraryContainer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XStarBasicAccess
- getLibraryLinkURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XLibraryContainer2
- getLibxml2ExtensionHandle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::xpath:: .XXPathExtension
- getLicenseText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::setup:: .XSetup
- getLicenseText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackage
- getLineBreak() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XBreakIterator
- getLineGeometry() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XCustomShapeEngine
- getLineIncrement() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XScrollBar
- getLineNumber() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XLocator
- getLineNumberAtIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleMultiLineText
- getLineNumberingProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XLineNumberingProperties
- getLineNumberingRules() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XLineNumberingSupplier
- getLinkMode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetLinkable
- getLinks() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XLinkTargetSupplier
- getLinkSheetName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetLinkable
- getLinkTarget() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::registry:: .XRegistryKey
- getLinkTargetURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XStarBasicLibraryInfo
- getLinkURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XLinkageSupport
- getLinkUrl() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetLinkable
- getListEntries() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::inspection:: .XStringListControl
- getListEntry() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form::binding:: .XListEntrySource
- getListEntryCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form::binding:: .XListEntrySource
- getListEntrySource() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form::binding:: .XListEntrySink
- getLoadedCalendar() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCalendar
- getLoaderProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XFrameLoaderQuery
- getLocale() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XResourceBundle
- getLocale() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::lang:: .XLocalizable
- getLocale() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XConversionDictionary
- getLocale() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleContext
- getLocale() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XDictionary
- getLocale() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XHyphenatedWord
- getLocale() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XPossibleHyphens
- getLocale() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XSpellAlternatives
- getLocaleItem() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XLocaleData
- getLocaleList() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XExtendedIndexEntrySupplier
- getLocales() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XStringResourceResolver
- getLocales() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XSupportedLocales
- getLocalName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::input:: .XElement
- getLocalName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNode
- getLocalNameByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::input:: .XAttributes
- getLocation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XStorable
- getLocation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleComponent
- getLocationOnScreen() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleComponent
- getLock() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form:: .XBoundControl
- getLogger() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util::logging:: .XLogger
- getLoginTimeout() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDataSource
- getLoginTimeout() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDriverManager
- getLong() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::xpath:: .XXPathObject
- getLong() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getLong() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getLong() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::test::performance:: .XPerformanceTest
- getLongListValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::registry:: .XRegistryKey
- getLongValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::registry:: .XRegistryKey
- getMainTextDirection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XTextLayout
- getMajorGrid() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxis
- getMajorVersion() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDriver
- getMandatoryInterfaces() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XServiceTypeDescription
- getMandatoryServices() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XServiceTypeDescription
- getMappings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XFormulaOpCodeMapper
- getMapUnit() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XVisualObject
- getMarkEntry() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XDocumentIndexMark
- getMarkupInfoContainer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextMarkup
- getMaskDIB() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XBitmap
- getMasks() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XPatternField
- getMasterDispatchProvider() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XDispatchProviderInterceptor
- getMasterPage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XMasterPageTarget
- getMasterPages() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XMasterPagesSupplier
- getMaterial() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XMaterialHolder
- getMax() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTimeField
- getMax() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XCurrencyField
- getMax() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XNumericField
- getMax() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMetricField
- getMax() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XDateField
- getMaxBinaryLiteralLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxCatalogNameLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxCharCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XConversionDictionary
- getMaxCharLiteralLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxColumnNameLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxColumnsInIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxColumnsInOrderBy() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxColumnsInSelect() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxColumnsInTable() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxConnections() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxCursorNameLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaximum() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XSpinValue
- getMaximum() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XScrollBar
- getMaximumAxisIndexByDimension() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XCoordinateSystem
- getMaximumValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleValue
- getMaxIndexLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxProcedureNameLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxRecentFunctions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XRecentFunctions
- getMaxRowSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxSchemaNameLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxStatementLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxStatements() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxTableNameLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxTablesInSelect() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMaxTextLen() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTextComponent
- getMaxUserNameLength() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getMeaning() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XMeaning
- getMechanism() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::auth:: .XSSOContext
- getMechanism() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::auth:: .XSSOManager
- getMediaSubtype() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer:: .XMimeContentType
- getMediaTime() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::media:: .XPlayer
- getMediaType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer:: .XMimeContentType
- getMediaType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackageTypeInfo
- getMemberName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XInterfaceMemberTypeDescription
- getMemberNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XCompoundTypeDescription
- getMemberNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XUnionTypeDescription
- getMemberNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XInvocation2
- getMembers() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XMembersSupplier
- getMembers() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XModuleTypeDescription
- getMembers() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XInterfaceTypeDescription
- getMemberTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XCompoundTypeDescription
- getMemberTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XUnionTypeDescription
- getMemoryLayout() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XIntegerReadOnlyBitmap
- getMemoryLayout() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XIeeeDoubleReadOnlyBitmap
- getMemoryLayout() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XHalfFloatReadOnlyBitmap
- getMemoryLayout() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XIeeeFloatReadOnlyBitmap
- getMenuHandle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XSystemDependentMenuPeer
- getMetaData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XResultSetMetaDataSupplier
- getMetaData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XConnection
- getMetadataGraphsWithType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rdf:: .XDocumentMetadataAccess
- getMetaKey() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XMouseEvent
- getMethod() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntrospectionAccess
- getMethod() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlClass
- getMethods() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntrospectionAccess
- getMethods() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlClass
- getMin() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMetricField
- getMin() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XCurrencyField
- getMin() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XDateField
- getMin() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTimeField
- getMin() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XNumericField
- getMinimum() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XSpinValue
- getMinimumNumberOfDaysForFirstWeek() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCalendar
- getMinimumSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTextLayoutConstrains
- getMinimumSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XLayoutConstrains
- getMinimumValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleValue
- getMinMaxLine() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XStatisticDisplay
- getMinorGrid() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxis
- getMinorVersion() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDriver
- getMirrorList() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::setup:: .XSetup
- getMode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlMethod
- getMode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XModeSelector
- getModel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XController
- getModel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XControl
- getModel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XDataEditor
- getModel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTabController
- getModuleCode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XLibraryAccess
- getModuleContainer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XStarBasicLibraryInfo
- getModuleController() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XControllerManager
- getModuleInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script::vba:: .XVBAModuleInfo
- getModuleNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XLibraryAccess
- getModuleSource() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XLibraryAccess
- getMonths() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCalendar
- getMoreResults() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XMultipleResults
- getMultipleLayers() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration::backend:: .XMultiLayerStratum
- getMultiSequence() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntroTest
- getMutual() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::auth:: .XSSOContext
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XAttr
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util::logging:: .XLogger
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XStarBasicLibraryInfo
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XStarBasicDialogInfo
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util::logging:: .XLoggerRemote
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XDocumentType
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::uri:: .XVndSunStarScriptUrl
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::smarttags:: .XSmartTagAction
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script::browse:: .XBrowseNode
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::smarttags:: .XSmartTagRecognizer
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XStarBasicModuleInfo
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XConversionDictionary
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XMethodParameter
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XNamed
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XServiceConstructorDescription
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlMember
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XTransliteration
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlClass
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::gallery:: .XGalleryTheme
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XTypeDescription
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::bridge:: .XBridge
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XFrame
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rdf:: .XNamedGraph
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::clipboard:: .XClipboard
- getName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackage
- getNameByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XAttributeList
- getNamedItem() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNamedNodeMap
- getNamedItemNS() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNamedNodeMap
- getNamedLogger() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::logging:: .XLoggerPool
- getNamespaceURI() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNode
- getNativeLocation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::setup:: .XSetup
- getNativeNumberString() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XNativeNumberSupplier
- getNewValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XMutationEvent
- getNextInsertionIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XTextLayout
- getNextPara() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFlatParagraphIterator
- getNextSibling() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNode
- getNextSlideIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowController
- getNodeDisplayName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XFormsUIHelper1
- getNodeForLocation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::tree:: .XTreeControl
- getNodeGraphicURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::tree:: .XTreeNode
- getNodeList() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::xpath:: .XXPathObject
- getNodeName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNode
- getNodeName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::wrapper:: .XXMLDocumentWrapper
- getNodeName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XFormsUIHelper1
- getNodeRect() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::tree:: .XTreeControl
- getNodeType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNode
- getNodeValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNode
- getNotANumber() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XChartData
- getNotationName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XEntity
- getNotations() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XDocumentType
- getNotesPage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XPresentationPage
- getNumberFormatKeyByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2::data:: .XDataSequence
- getNumberFormats() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XNumberFormatsSupplier
- getNumberFormatSettings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XNumberFormatsSupplier
- getNumberFormatsSupplier() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XNumberFormatter
- getNumberingIdentifier() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XNumberingTypeInfo
- getNumberingRules() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XNumberingRulesSupplier
- getNumberingType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XNumberingTypeInfo
- getNumberOfDaysInWeek() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCalendar
- getNumberOfDimensions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XArrayTypeDescription
- getNumberOfEntries() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XBitmapPalette
- getNumberOfLineWithCaret() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleMultiLineText
- getNumberOfMonthsInYear() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCalendar
- getNumberOfPolygonPoints() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XPolyPolygon2D
- getNumberOfPolygons() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XPolyPolygon2D
- getNumericalData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2::data:: .XNumericalDataSequence
- getNumericFunctions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getObject() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextEmbeddedObject
- getObject() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getObject() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getObjectNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb::tools:: .XConnectionTools
- getObjectType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::xpath:: .XXPathObject
- getOfficeInstallationDirectoryURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XOfficeInstallationDirectories
- getOfficeUserDataDirectoryURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XOfficeInstallationDirectories
- getOffset() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XLabeled
- getOperator() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetCondition
- getOptionalBaseTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XInterfaceTypeDescription2
- getOptionalInterfaces() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XServiceTypeDescription
- getOptionalServices() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XServiceTypeDescription
- getOptionalValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XFastAttributeList
- getOptionalValueToken() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XFastAttributeList
- getOrder() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer
- getOrder() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XSQLQueryComposer
- getOrderColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer
- getOrdinalSuffix() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XOrdinalSuffix
- getOrientation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XSpinValue
- getOrientation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XScrollBar
- getOriginalLibraryLinkURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XLibraryContainer3
- getOutline() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XParametricPolyPolygon2D
- getOutputRange() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotTable
- getOutputRangeByType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotTable2
- getOutputSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XWindow2
- getOutputStream() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::io:: .XActiveDataSource
- getOutputStream() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::io:: .XStream
- getOwnAnchor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XLabeled
- getOwnerDocument() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNode
- getOwnerElement() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XAttr
- getOwnerEntity() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration::backend:: .XBackendEntities
- getOwnUpdateHandler() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration::backend:: .XBackend
- getPackageLocation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackageInformationProvider
- getPackageManager() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackageManagerFactory
- getPackageSignatureDefaultStreamName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::security:: .XDocumentDigitalSignatures
- getPackageType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackage
- getPage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XPageCursor
- getPageBackground() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartDocument
- getPageFields() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotDescriptor
- getPagePrintSettings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XPagePrintable
- getPageTitle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XWizardController
- getParaAfter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFlatParagraphIterator
- getParaBefore() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFlatParagraphIterator
- getParameter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::uri:: .XVndSunStarScriptUrl
- getParameterInfos() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlMethod
- getParameters() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XParametersSupplier
- getParameters() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFormField
- getParameters() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XServiceConstructorDescription
- getParameters() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer:: .XMimeContentType
- getParameters() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XInterfaceMethodTypeDescription
- getParameterTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlMethod
- getParameterValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer:: .XMimeContentType
- getParametricPolyPolygonFactory() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XGraphicDevice
- getParent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::tree:: .XTreeNode
- getParent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::input:: .XElement
- getParent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XChild
- getParentNode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNode
- getParentSection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextSection
- getParentStyle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::style:: .XStyle
- getPassword() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XStarBasicLibraryInfo
- getPassword() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::auth:: .XSSOPasswordCache
- getPassword() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mail:: .XAuthenticator
- getPassword() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::task:: .XInteractionPassword
- getPasswordToModify() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::task:: .XInteractionPassword2
- getPath() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XFileDialog
- getPath() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::uri:: .XUriReference
- getPathSegment() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::uri:: .XUriReference
- getPathSegmentCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::uri:: .XUriReference
- getPeer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XControl
- getPendingChanges() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XChangesBatch
- getPermissions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::security:: .XPolicy
- getPersonalCertificates() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XSecurityEnvironment
- getPhoneticCandidate() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XExtendedIndexEntrySupplier
- getPhysicalResolution() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XGraphicDevice
- getPhysicalSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XGraphicDevice
- getPixel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XHalfFloatReadOnlyBitmap
- getPixel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XIeeeDoubleReadOnlyBitmap
- getPixel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XIeeeFloatReadOnlyBitmap
- getPixel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XIntegerReadOnlyBitmap
- getPlacement() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XInplaceClient
- getPlainRawStream() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::packages:: .XDataSinkEncrSupport
- getPlainRawStreamElement() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XStorageRawAccess
- getPluginDescriptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::plugin:: .XPluginManager
- getPoint() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XLinePolyPolygon2D
- getPointColor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XParametricPolyPolygon2D
- getPoints() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XLinePolyPolygon2D
- getPopupMenu() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMenu
- getPosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XCustomShapeHandle
- getPosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::io:: .XSeekable
- getPosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XMethodParameter
- getPosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextViewCursor
- getPosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartShape
- getPosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetAnnotation
- getPosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XInterfaceMemberTypeDescription
- getPosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XShape
- getPositionData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotTable2
- getPossibleHyphens() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XPossibleHyphens
- getPosSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XWindow
- getPrecision() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XResultSetMetaData
- getPredecessor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::io:: .XConnectable
- getPredecessor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XChainable
- getPredicateExpressions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form::runtime:: .XFilterController
- getPreferredKeyEventsForCommandList() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XAcceleratorConfiguration
- getPreferredPlayerWindowSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::media:: .XPlayer
- getPreferredSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XLayoutConstrains
- getPreferredVisualRepresentation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XVisualObject
- getPrefix() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNode
- getPresentation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextField
- getPresentation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XURLTransformer
- getPresentation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XPresentationSupplier
- getPreviousSibling() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNode
- getPrevValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XMutationEvent
- getPrimaryKeys() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getPrimaryLanguageOfText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFlatParagraph
- getPrintable() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XPrintJob
- getPrintAreas() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XPrintAreas
- getPrinter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XPrintable
- getPrinter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XPrintJob
- getPrinterNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XPrinterServer
- getPrintOptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XPrintJob
- getPrintSettings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XPrintSettingsSupplier
- getPrintTitleColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XPrintAreas
- getPrintTitleRows() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XPrintAreas
- getPrivileges() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .XAuthorizable
- getProcedureColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getProcedures() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getProcedureTerm() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getProductname() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::setup:: .XSetup
- getProductType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mozilla:: .XCodeProxy
- getProfileCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mozilla:: .XProfileDiscover
- getProfileExists() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mozilla:: .XProfileDiscover
- getProfileList() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mozilla:: .XProfileDiscover
- getProfileName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mozilla:: .XCodeProxy
- getProfilePath() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mozilla:: .XProfileDiscover
- getProgrammaticCategoryName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XAddIn
- getProgrammaticFuntionName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XAddIn
- getProgressHandler() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XCommandEnvironment
- getProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::style:: .XAutoStyle
- getProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntrospectionAccess
- getProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XServiceTypeDescription
- getProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XPropertySetInfo
- getProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XColorSpace
- getProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::bridge:: .XProtocolProperties
- getProperty() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XVclWindowPeer
- getProperty() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntrospectionAccess
- getPropertyByHierarchicalName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XHierarchicalPropertySetInfo
- getPropertyByName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XPropertySetInfo
- getPropertyControl() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::inspection:: .XObjectInspectorUI
- getPropertyDefault() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XPropertyState
- getPropertyDefaults() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XMultiPropertyStates
- getPropertyDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSolverDescription
- getPropertyFlags() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XPropertyTypeDescription
- getPropertyInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDriver
- getPropertyOrderIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::inspection:: .XObjectInspectorModel
- getPropertySetInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XPropertySet
- getPropertySetInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XMultiPropertySet
- getPropertyState() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XPropertyState
- getPropertyState() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::inspection:: .XPropertyHandler
- getPropertyStates() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XPropertyState
- getPropertyStates() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XMultiPropertyStates
- GetPropertyTolerantResult - struct ::com::sun::star::beans:: .GetPropertyTolerantResult
- getPropertyType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XConversionPropertyType
- getPropertyTypeDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XPropertyTypeDescription
- getPropertyValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartShape
- getPropertyValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::inspection:: .XPropertyHandler
- getPropertyValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XPropertySet
- getPropertyValues() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XMultiPropertySet
- getPropertyValues() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XPropertyAccess
- getPropertyValuesTolerant() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XTolerantMultiPropertySet
- getPublicId() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNotation
- getPublicId() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XDocumentType
- getPublicId() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XEntity
- getPublicId() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XLocator
- getPublisherInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackage
- getQNameByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::input:: .XAttributes
- getQueries() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XQueriesSupplier
- getQuery() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XSQLQueryComposer
- getQuery() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer
- getQuery() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::uri:: .XUriReference
- getQueryDefinitions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XQueryDefinitionsSupplier
- getQueryWithSubstitution() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer
- getRange() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .XPrimitive3D
- getRange() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .XPrimitive2D
- getRangeAddress() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XCellRangeAddressable
- getRangeAddresses() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetCellRanges
- getRangeAddressesAsString() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetCellRanges
- getRangeHighlighter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2::data:: .XDataReceiver
- getRangeName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextTableCursor
- getRanges() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XScenarioEnhanced
- getRanges() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XTableChart
- getRangeSelection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2::data:: .XDataProvider
- getRate() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::media:: .XPlayer
- getRawEncrStreamElement() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XStorageRawAccess
- getRawStream() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::packages:: .XDataSinkEncrSupport
- getRDFRepository() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rdf:: .XRepositorySupplier
- getReachableStates() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XEmbeddedObject
- getReadmeText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::setup:: .XSetup
- getRealInterface() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XUIElement
- getRecentAtoms() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XAtomServer
- getRecentFunctionIds() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XRecentFunctions
- getRecipients() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mail:: .XMailMessage
- getRecommendReadOnly() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::task:: .XInteractionPassword2
- getRecordedMacro() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XDispatchRecorder
- getRectangles() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XRegion
- getRedlines() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XRedlinesSupplier
- getRef() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getRef() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- GetReference - service ::com::sun::star::text::textfield:: .GetReference
- getReferencedType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIndirectTypeDescription
- getReferenceMarks() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XReferenceMarksSupplier
- getReferencePosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XNamedRange
- getReferenceValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextColumns
- getReferredCells() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XCellRangeReferrer
- getRegisteredFactories() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XUIElementFactoryRegistration
- getRegisteredObject() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::uno:: .XNamingService
- getRegisteredSyncSchemes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sync:: .XSyncCollector
- getRegistrationDataURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackage
- getRegistrationNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XDatabaseRegistrations
- getRegistry() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XPersistentPropertySet
- getRegressionCurves() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XRegressionCurveContainer
- getRelatedNode() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XMutationEvent
- getRelatedTarget() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XMouseEvent
- getRelation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleRelationSet
- getRelationByType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleRelationSet
- getRelationCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleRelationSet
- getRelationshipByID() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XRelationshipAccess
- getRelationshipsByType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XRelationshipAccess
- getRememberAccountModes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XInteractionSupplyAuthentication
- getRememberPasswordModes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XInteractionSupplyAuthentication
- getRenderer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XRenderable
- getRendererCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XRenderable
- getRenderingCapabilities() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::clipboard:: .XClipboardEx
- getRenderingIntent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XColorSpace
- getReplaceAttributes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XPropertyReplace
- getReplacementText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XDictionaryEntry
- getReplaceString() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XReplaceDescriptor
- getReportDocuments() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XReportDocumentsSupplier
- getRepositoryName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackage
- getRepresentation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XRegressionCurveCalculator
- getRequest() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::task:: .XInteractionRequest
- getRequestedConfiguration() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XConfigurationController
- getRequestedSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XLayoutContainer
- getReservedWord() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XLocaleData
- getResolvedName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::registry:: .XRegistryKey
- getResource() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XConfigurationController
- getResourceFactory() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XResourceFactoryManager
- getResourceId() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XResource
- getResourceIDs() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XStringResourceResolver
- getResourceIDsForLocale() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XStringResourceResolver
- getResources() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XConfiguration
- getResourceTypePrefix() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XResourceId
- getResourceURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XResourceId
- getResultForExpression() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XFormsUIHelper1
- getResults() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotResults
- getResults() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDDELinkResults
- getResults() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotMemberResults
- getResultSet() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XArray
- getResultSet() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XMultipleResults
- getResultSetAtIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XArray
- getReturnType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XInterfaceMethodTypeDescription
- getReturnType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlMethod
- getRightPagesText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XHeaderFooter
- getRightText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XHeaderFooterContent
- getRoleOfSequenceForSeriesLabel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartType
- getRoot() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XEngine
- getRoot() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::tree:: .XTreeDataModel
- getRootKey() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::registry:: .XSimpleRegistry
- getRootModule() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::setup:: .XSetup
- getRootStorageURI() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script::provider:: .XScriptURIHelper
- getRow() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XResultSet
- getRowAtPoint() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .XGridControl
- getRowData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .XGridDataModel
- getRowDescriptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XChartDataArray
- getRowFields() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotDescriptor
- getRowHeading() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .XGridDataModel
- getRowPageBreaks() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetPageBreak
- getRows() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XColumnRowRange
- getRows() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextTable
- getRowSet() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XRowSetSupplier
- getRowSpan() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XMergeableCell
- getRubyList() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XRubySelection
- getRunAttributes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTextAttributes
- getScale() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XResultSetMetaData
- getScaleData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XAxis
- getScaledBitmap() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XBitmap
- getScenarioComment() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XScenario
- getScenarios() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XScenariosSupplier
- getSchemaName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XResultSetMetaData
- getSchemas() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getSchemaTerm() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getSchemaVersion() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration::backend:: .XVersionedSchemaSupplier
- getScheme() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::uri:: .XUriReference
- getSchemeSpecificPart() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::uri:: .XUriReference
- getScopeName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XNamedRange2
- getScreenX() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XMouseEvent
- getScreenY() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XMouseEvent
- getScript() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script::provider:: .XScriptProvider
- getScript() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCharacterClassification
- getScriptDirection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XScriptTypeDetector
- getScriptEvents() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XEventAttacherManager
- getScriptingContentSignatureDefaultStreamName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::security:: .XDocumentDigitalSignatures
- getScriptProvider() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script::provider:: .XScriptProviderSupplier
- getScriptType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XBreakIterator
- getScriptURI() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script::provider:: .XScriptURIHelper
- getSearchAttributes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XPropertyReplace
- getSearchOptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XLocaleData
- getSearchString() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XSearchDescriptor
- getSearchStringEscape() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getSecondaryAxis() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxisSupplier
- getSecondaryXAxis() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XTwoAxisXSupplier
- getSecondaryYAxis() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XTwoAxisYSupplier
- getSecondXAxisTitle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XSecondAxisTitleSupplier
- getSecondYAxisTitle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XSecondAxisTitleSupplier
- getSecurityEnvironment() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XXMLSecurityContext
- getSecurityEnvironmentByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XXMLSecurityContext
- getSecurityEnvironmentInformation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XSecurityEnvironment
- getSecurityEnvironmentNumber() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XXMLSecurityContext
- getSelectedAccessibleChild() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleSelection
- getSelectedAccessibleChildCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleSelection
- getSelectedAccessibleColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getSelectedAccessibleRows() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTable
- getSelectedFiles() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XFilePicker2
- getSelectedItem() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XListBox
- getSelectedItemPos() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XListBox
- getSelectedItems() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XListBox
- getSelectedItemsPos() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XListBox
- getSelectedRanges() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2::data:: .XRangeHighlighter
- getSelectedRows() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .XGridRowSelection
- getSelectedText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleText
- getSelectedText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTextComponent
- getSelection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XSelectionSupplier
- getSelection() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTextComponent
- getSelectionCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XMultiSelectionSupplier
- getSelectionEnd() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleText
- getSelectionStart() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleText
- getSequence() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::test::performance:: .XPerformanceTest
- getService() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XSingletonTypeDescription
- getServiceDisplayName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::lang:: .XServiceDisplayName
- getServiceManager() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mozilla:: .XRemoteServiceManagerProvider
- getServiceManager() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::uno:: .XComponentContext
- getServiceName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::lang:: .XServiceName
- getServiceName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::io:: .XPersistObject
- getServiceName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XDocumentIndex
- getSetExceptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XInterfaceAttributeTypeDescription2
- getSettings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XUIElementSettings
- getSettings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XUIConfigurationManager
- getShape() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartShapeContainer
- getShapes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextShapesSupplier
- getShapeType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartShape
- getShapeType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XShapeDescriptor
- getSheets() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSpreadsheetDocument
- getShiftKey() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XMouseEvent
- getShort() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getShort() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::xpath:: .XXPathObject
- getShort() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getShortCutManager() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XUIConfigurationManager
- getShortDescription() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackageTypeInfo
- getShowState() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XFilePreview
- getSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XView
- getSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XBitmap
- getSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleComponent
- getSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XBitmap
- getSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XSimpleFileAccess
- getSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XShape
- getSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartShape
- getSlaveDispatchProvider() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XDispatchProviderInterceptor
- getSlideByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowController
- getSlideCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowController
- getSlidePreview() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XSlidePreviewCache
- getSlideShow() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowController
- getSmartTagCaption() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::smarttags:: .XSmartTagAction
- getSmartTagDownloadURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::smarttags:: .XSmartTagRecognizer
- getSmartTagName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::smarttags:: .XSmartTagRecognizer
- getSmartTagName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::smarttags:: .XSmartTagAction
- getSomething() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::lang:: .XUnoTunnel
- getSortDescriptor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDatabaseRange
- getSource() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XStarBasicModuleInfo
- getSource() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XFrameSetModel
- getSource() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::auth:: .XSSOContext
- getSourceArea() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XAreaLink
- getSourceDimension() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XTransformation
- getSourcePosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetCondition
- getSourceRange() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotDescriptor
- getSourceRangeRepresentation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2::data:: .XDataSequence
- getSources() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XConsolidationDescriptor
- getSpecified() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XAttr
- getSpellChecker() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XLinguServiceManager
- getSpinIncrement() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XSpinValue
- getSpinSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XCurrencyField
- getSpinSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMetricField
- getSpinSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XNumericField
- getSplitColumn() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XViewSplitable
- getSplitHorizontal() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XViewSplitable
- getSplitRow() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XViewSplitable
- getSplitVertical() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XViewSplitable
- getSpreadsheet() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetCellRange
- getSQLKeywords() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getSQLTypeName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XStruct
- getSQLTypeName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XSQLData
- getSSOManager() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::auth:: .XSSOManagerFactory
- getStackTrace() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XDebugging
- getStandardFormat() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XNumberFormatTypes
- getStandardIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XNumberFormatTypes
- getStandardSizeValues() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::setup:: .XSetup
- getStart() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextRange
- getStartIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleHyperlink
- getStartOutputPosition() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XConsolidationDescriptor
- getState() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XCheckBox
- getState() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XSAXDocumentBuilder
- getState() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XRadioButton
- getState() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form::runtime:: .XFormOperations
- getStateAsProperty() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XPropertyWithState
- getStatement() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XResultSet
- getStatementRDFa() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rdf:: .XDocumentRepository
- getStatements() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rdf:: .XNamedGraph
- getStatements() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rdf:: .XRepository
- getStatementsRDFa() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rdf:: .XDocumentRepository
- getStates() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleStateSet
- getStaticResultSet() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XDynamicResultSet
- getStatus() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XEmbeddedObject
- getStatus() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XXMLSecurityTemplate
- getStatusIndicator() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::task:: .XStatusIndicatorSupplier
- getStopTime() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::media:: .XPlayer
- getStorageURI() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script::provider:: .XScriptURIHelper
- getStream() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::io:: .XActiveDataStreamer
- getStreamByPattern() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::packages::zip:: .XZipFileAccess
- getString() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextRange
- getString() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XFormattedString
- getString() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::test::performance:: .XPerformanceTest
- getString() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getString() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XPatternField
- getString() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getString() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::xpath:: .XXPathObject
- getStringFromInformationalRequest() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::task:: .XInteractionRequestStringResolver
- getStringFunctions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getStringListValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::registry:: .XRegistryKey
- getStringResource() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XStringResourceSupplier
- getStrings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntroTest
- getStringType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCharacterClassification
- getStringValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::registry:: .XRegistryKey
- getStringWidth() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XFont
- getStringWidthArray() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XFont
- getStruct() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::test::performance:: .XPerformanceTest
- getStructuredFilter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer
- getStructuredFilter() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XSQLQueryComposer
- getStructuredHavingClause() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer
- getStyle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::style:: .XStyleSupplier
- getStyleConditionByType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::style:: .XStyleCondition
- getStyleFamilies() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::style:: .XStyleFamiliesSupplier
- getStyleLoaderOptions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::style:: .XStyleLoader
- getStyleName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetConditionalEntry
- getStyles() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XVclWindowPeer
- getSubGridProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XAxis
- getSubmission() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XModel
- getSubmissionName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XFormsUIHelper1
- getSubmissions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XModel
- getSubstituteVariableValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XStringSubstitution
- getSubString() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XClob
- getSubTickProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XAxis
- getSubTitle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XChartDocument
- getSubToolbarName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XSubToolbarController
- getSubTotalColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSubTotalField
- getSubTotalDescriptor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDatabaseRange
- getSuccessor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XChainable
- getSuccessor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::io:: .XConnectable
- getSuperclasses() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlClass
- getSupersededProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::inspection:: .XPropertyHandler
- getSuppliedMethodConcepts() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntrospectionAccess
- getSuppliedPropertyConcepts() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntrospectionAccess
- getSupportedCommandGroups() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XDispatchInformationProvider
- getSupportedConnectionTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mail:: .XMailService
- getSupportedConnectionTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mail:: .XMailServer
- getSupportedControlProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XControlInformation
- getSupportedControls() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XControlInformation
- getSupportedImageFormats() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XFilePreview
- getSupportedListeners() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntrospectionAccess
- getSupportedMandatoryRoles() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartType
- getSupportedMethodNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XContainerWindowEventHandler
- getSupportedMethodNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XDialogEventHandler
- getSupportedMimeTypeNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XMimeTypeInfo
- getSupportedModes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XModeSelector
- getSupportedNumberingTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XNumberingTypeInfo
- getSupportedOptionalRoles() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XChartType
- getSupportedPackageTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackageRegistry
- getSupportedPackageTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackageManager
- getSupportedPackageTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XExtensionManager
- getSupportedProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::inspection:: .XPropertyHandler
- getSupportedServiceNames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::lang:: .XServiceInfo
- getSupportedValueTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form::binding:: .XValueBinding
- getSupportedVerbs() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XEmbeddedObject
- getSuppressed() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::installation:: .XInstallationCheck
- getSyncList() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sync:: .XSynchronizer
- getSyncSequence() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sync:: .XSyncCollector
- getSystemDataTypeFromDataFlavor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer:: .XDataFormatTranslator
- getSystemFunctions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getSystemId() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XDocumentType
- getSystemId() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XNotation
- getSystemId() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XEntity
- getSystemId() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XLocator
- getSystemPathFromFileURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XFileIdentifierConverter
- getTabBarButtons() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XTabBar
- getTabControllers() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XUnoControlContainer
- getTableEditor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb::application:: .XTableUIProvider
- getTableIcon() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb::application:: .XTableUIProvider
- getTableName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XResultSetMetaData
- getTablePrivileges() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getTables() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .XTablesSupplier
- getTables() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getTableTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getTabPage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::tab:: .XTabPageContainer
- getTabPageByID() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::tab:: .XTabPageContainer
- getTabPageCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::tab:: .XTabPageContainer
- getTabProps() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XSimpleTabController
- getTag() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDataPilotDescriptor
- getTagName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XElement
- getTail() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::logging:: .XLogFormatter
- getTarget() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XXMLEncryptionTemplate
- getTarget() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::auth:: .XSSOContext
- getTarget() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XEvent
- getTarget() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XProcessingInstruction
- getTargetBackend() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration::backend:: .XLayerImporter
- getTargetByID() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XRelationshipAccess
- getTargetColorDepth() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XFilePreview
- getTargetDimension() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XTransformation
- getTargets() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XXMLSignatureTemplate
- getTasks() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XTasksSupplier
- getTemplate() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XXMLSecurityTemplate
- getTemplateName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration:: .XTemplateInstance
- getText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XFlatParagraph
- getText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextRange
- getText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTextComponent
- getText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextFrame
- getText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextDocument
- getText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleText
- getText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XFixedText
- getText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XFixedHyperlink
- getText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XTextLayout
- getText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XTitle
- getTextAtIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleText
- getTextAtLineNumber() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleMultiLineText
- getTextAtLineWithCaret() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleMultiLineText
- getTextBeforeIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleText
- getTextBehindIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleText
- getTextBounds() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XCustomShapeEngine
- getTextFieldMaster() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XDependentTextField
- getTextFieldMasters() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextFieldsSupplier
- getTextFields() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextFieldsSupplier
- getTextFrames() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextFramesSupplier
- getTextHit() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XTextLayout
- getTextLines() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTextArea
- getTextMarkup() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTextMarkup
- getTextMarkupAtIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTextMarkup
- getTextMarkupCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleTextMarkup
- getTextRange() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleText
- getTextSections() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextSectionsSupplier
- getTextTables() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextTablesSupplier
- getTextualData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2::data:: .XTextualDataSequence
- getThesaurus() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XLinguServiceManager
- getTime() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getTime() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XTimeField
- getTime() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getTimeDateFunctions() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getTimeStamp() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XEvent
- getTimestamp() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .XColumn
- getTimestamp() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XRow
- getTimestamp() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XTimeStamped
- getTipHelpText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMenu
- getTitle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XTitle
- getTitle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XChartDocument
- getTitle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XDialog
- getTitleColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XPrintAreas
- getTitledBorderText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleExtendedComponent
- getTitleObject() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XTitled
- getTitleRows() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XPrintAreas
- getTitles() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XAutoTextGroup
- getToken() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XFastTokenHandler
- getTokenFromUTF8() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XFastTokenHandler
- getTokens() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XFormulaTokens
- getTokens() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XMultiFormulaTokens
- getToolkit() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XWindowPeer
- getToolTipText() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleExtendedComponent
- getTopic() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XDDELink
- getTopWindow() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XExtendedToolkit
- getTopWindowCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XExtendedToolkit
- getTransactionIsolation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XConnection
- getTransferable() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XTransferableSupplier
- getTransferable() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer:: .XTransferableSupplier
- getTransferData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer:: .XTransferable
- getTransferDataFlavors() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::datatransfer:: .XTransferable
- getTransformation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowView
- getTransliterations() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XLocaleData
- getTree() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::wrapper:: .XXMLDocumentWrapper
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .XColorSpace
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::gallery:: .XGalleryItem
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .XGraphic
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCharacterClassification
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XTransliteration
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XCell
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script::browse:: .XBrowseNode
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XArrayTypeDescription
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XNamedRange
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XMethodParameter
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlField
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XEvent
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XInterfaceAttributeTypeDescription
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XPointer
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlReflection
- getType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlField2
- getTypeArguments() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XStructTypeDescription
- getTypeByID() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XRelationshipAccess
- getTypeByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XAttributeList
- getTypeByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::input:: .XAttributes
- getTypeByName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XAttributeList
- getTypeClass() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlClass
- getTypeClass() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XTypeDescription
- getTypeClass() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntroTest
- getTypeInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getTypeMap() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XConnection
- getTypeParameters() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XStructTypeDescription
- getTypes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::lang:: .XTypeProvider
- getUDTs() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getUIConfigurationManager() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier
- getUIConfigurationManager() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XUIConfigurationManagerSupplier
- getUid() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::input:: .XElement
- getUidByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::input:: .XAttributes
- getUidByUri() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::input:: .XNamespaceMapping
- getUIElementsInfo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui:: .XUIConfigurationManager
- getUik() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XInterfaceTypeDescription
- getUik() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::reflection:: .XIdlClass
- getUndoManager() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XUndoManagerSupplier
- getUniqueCellFormatRanges() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XUniqueCellFormatRangesSupplier
- getUniqueID() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCalendar
- getUniqueNumericId() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::resource:: .XStringResourceManager
- getUnknownAttributes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XFastAttributeList
- getUntitledPrefix() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XUntitledNumbers
- getUpBar() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XStatisticDisplay
- getUpdatableLayer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration::backend:: .XMultiLayerStratum
- getUpdatableLayer() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration::backend:: .XSingleLayerStratum
- getUpdateCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XMultipleResults
- getUpdateHandler() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration::backend:: .XBackend
- getUpdateInformation() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XUpdateInformationProvider
- getUpdateInformationEnumeration() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XUpdateInformationProvider
- getUpdateInformationURLs() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackage
- getUpdateLayerId() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::configuration::backend:: .XMultiLayerStratum
- getUps() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::beans:: .XIntroTest
- getUriBinding() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto:: .XUriBinding
- getUriByUid() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::input:: .XNamespaceMapping
- getUriReference() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::uri:: .XUriReference
- getURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XModel
- getURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mozilla:: .XPluginInstancePeer
- getURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::plugin:: .XPluginContext
- getURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XFixedHyperlink
- getURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::registry:: .XSimpleRegistry
- getURL() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackage
- getURLNotify() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::plugin:: .XPluginContext
- getUrls() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::task:: .XUrlContainer
- getUseColumnHeaders() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XConsolidationDescriptor
- getUsedData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2::data:: .XDataReceiver
- getUsedRangeRepresentations() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2::data:: .XDataReceiver
- getUserAgent() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::plugin:: .XPluginContext
- getUserDefinedProperties() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XDocumentProperties
- getUserFieldCount() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XDocumentInfo
- getUserFieldName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XDocumentInfo
- getUserFieldValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XDocumentInfo
- getUserName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getUserName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::mail:: .XAuthenticator
- getUseRowHeaders() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XConsolidationDescriptor
- getUserRequestHeaders() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .XWebDAVCommandEnvironment
- getUsers() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .XUsersSupplier
- getUTF8Identifier() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XFastTokenHandler
- getValidator() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form::validation:: .XValidatable
- getValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XStringKeyMap
- getValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form::binding:: .XValueBinding
- getValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XCalendar
- getValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XFilePickerControlAccess
- getValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XNumericField
- getValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XMetricField
- getValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom:: .XAttr
- getValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XFastAttributeList
- getValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XProgressBar
- getValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XSpinValue
- getValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XScrollBar
- getValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::plugin:: .XPluginContext
- getValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XCurrencyField
- getValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::script:: .XInvocation
- getValue() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XCell
- getValueBinding() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::form::binding:: .XBindableValue
- getValueByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XAttributeList
- getValueByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::container:: .XStringKeyMap
- getValueByIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::input:: .XAttributes
- getValueByName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::uno:: .XCurrentContext
- getValueByName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XAttributeList
- getValueByName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::uno:: .XComponentContext
- getValueByUidName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::input:: .XAttributes
- getValues() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2::data:: .XLabeledDataSequence
- getValues() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::test::bridge:: .XBridgeTestBase
- getValueSearch() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::util:: .XPropertyReplace
- getValueToken() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::sax:: .XFastAttributeList
- getValueType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::registry:: .XRegistryKey
- getVendorname() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::setup:: .XSetup
- getVersion() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::deployment:: .XPackage
- getVersionColumns() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XDatabaseMetaData
- getView() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XControl
- getView() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events:: .XUIEvent
- getViewCursor() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextViewCursorSupplier
- getViewData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::document:: .XViewDataSupplier
- getViewData() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::frame:: .XController
- getViewPanes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XViewPanesSupplier
- getViews() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .XViewsSupplier
- getViewServiceName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XCoordinateSystem
- getViewSettings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XViewSettingsSupplier
- getVisibleRange() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XViewPane
- getVisibleSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XScrollBar
- getVisualAreaSize() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XVisualObject
- getVolumeDB() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::media:: .XPlayer
- getWall() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .X3DDisplay
- getWall() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .XDiagram
- getWarnings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbc:: .XWarningsSupplier
- getWarnings() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::test:: .XSimpleTest
- getWindow() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::embed:: .XWindowSupplier
- getWindow() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework:: .XPane
- getWindowExtentsRelative() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XPresenterHelper
- getWindowHandle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XSystemDependentWindowPeer
- getWindows() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XVclContainer
- getWord() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XPossibleHyphens
- getWord() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XSpellAlternatives
- getWord() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XHyphenatedWord
- getWordBoundary() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XBreakIterator
- getWordType() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::i18n:: .XBreakIterator
- getWorkArea() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XToolkit
- getWrittenBytes() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::io:: .XSequenceOutputStream
- getXAxis() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxisXSupplier
- getXAxisTitle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxisXSupplier
- getXForms() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::xforms:: .XFormsSupplier
- getXHelpGrid() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxisXSupplier
- getXMainGrid() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxisXSupplier
- getYAxis() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxisYSupplier
- getYAxisTitle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxisYSupplier
- getYHelpGrid() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxisYSupplier
- getYMainGrid() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxisYSupplier
- getZAxis() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxisZSupplier
- getZAxisTitle() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxisZSupplier
- getZHelpGrid() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxisZSupplier
- getZMainGrid() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::chart:: .XAxisZSupplier
- getZoomLevel() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::media:: .XPlayerWindow
- GET_HELP_URL - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .ControlActions
- GET_ITEMS - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .ListboxControlActions
- GET_ITEMS - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .ControlActions
- GET_SELECTED_ITEM - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .ControlActions
- GET_SELECTED_ITEM - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .ListboxControlActions
- GET_SELECTED_ITEM_INDEX - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .ControlActions
- GET_SUBSCRIBED - value in enum ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .FolderListCommand
- GIOContentProvider - service ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .GIOContentProvider
- GLASS_PANE - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .AccessibleRole
- GLOBAL - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::frame:: .FrameSearchFlag
- GlobalAcceleratorConfiguration - service ::com::sun::star::ui:: .GlobalAcceleratorConfiguration
- GlobalDocument - service ::com::sun::star::text:: .GlobalDocument
- GlobalEventBroadcaster - service ::com::sun::star::frame:: .GlobalEventBroadcaster
- GlobalSettings - service ::com::sun::star::text:: .GlobalSettings
- GlobalSheetSettings - service ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .GlobalSheetSettings
- GlobalTransferCommandArgument - struct ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .GlobalTransferCommandArgument
- GLOBAL_SETTING - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::document:: .LinkUpdateModes
- GluePoint - struct ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .GluePoint
- GluePointLeavingDirections - property in service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .EnhancedCustomShapePath
- GluePoints - property in service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .EnhancedCustomShapePath
- GluePointType - property in service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .EnhancedCustomShapePath
- GluePoint2 - struct ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .GluePoint2
- GLYPH - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .AccessibleTextType
- gMonth - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::xsd:: .DataTypeClass
- gMonthDay - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::xsd:: .DataTypeClass
- GnomeVFSContentProvider - service ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .GnomeVFSContentProvider
- GnomeVFSDocumentContent - service ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .GnomeVFSDocumentContent
- GnomeVFSFolderContent - service ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .GnomeVFSFolderContent
- GoalResult - struct ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .GoalResult
- goBackTo() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs:: .XWizard
- goDown() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextTableCursor
- goDown() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XViewCursor
- goLeft() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextCursor
- goLeft() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XViewCursor
- goLeft() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextTableCursor
- goRight() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextCursor
- goRight() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XViewCursor
- goRight() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextTableCursor
- gotoBookmark() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowController
- goToCell() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .XGridControl
- gotoCellByName() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextTableCursor
- gotoEnd() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XCellCursor
- gotoEnd() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextTableCursor
- gotoEnd() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextCursor
- gotoEndOfLine() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XLineCursor
- gotoEndOfParagraph() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XParagraphCursor
- gotoEndOfSentence() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XSentenceCursor
- gotoEndOfUsedArea() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XUsedAreaCursor
- gotoEndOfWord() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XWordCursor
- gotoFirstSlide() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowController
- gotoLastSlide() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowController
- gotoNext() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XCellCursor
- gotoNextEffect() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowController
- gotoNextParagraph() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XParagraphCursor
- gotoNextSentence() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XSentenceCursor
- gotoNextSlide() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowController
- gotoNextWord() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XWordCursor
- gotoOffset() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XCellCursor
- gotoPrevious() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XCellCursor
- gotoPreviousEffect() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowController
- gotoPreviousParagraph() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XParagraphCursor
- gotoPreviousSentence() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XSentenceCursor
- gotoPreviousSlide() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowController
- gotoPreviousWord() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XWordCursor
- gotoRange() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextCursor
- gotoSlide() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowController
- gotoSlideIndex() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .XSlideShowController
- gotoStart() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextTableCursor
- gotoStart() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextCursor
- gotoStart() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::table:: .XCellCursor
- gotoStartOfLine() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XLineCursor
- gotoStartOfParagraph() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XParagraphCursor
- gotoStartOfSentence() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XSentenceCursor
- gotoStartOfUsedArea() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XUsedAreaCursor
- gotoStartOfWord() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XWordCursor
- goUp() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::text:: .XTextTableCursor
- goUp() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::view:: .XViewCursor
- grabFocus() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .XAccessibleComponent
- grabFrame() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::media:: .XFrameGrabber
- GRADIENT - value in enum ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .FillStyle
- GRADIENT - value in enum ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .TransparencyStyle
- Gradient - struct ::com::sun::star::awt:: .Gradient
- Gradient - field in struct ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .Texture
- Gradient - property in service ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .DataPointProperties
- GradientName - property in service ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .DataPointProperties
- GradientStyle - enum ::com::sun::star::awt:: .GradientStyle
- GradientTable - service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .GradientTable
- GradientTableURL - property in service ::com::sun::star::document:: .Settings
- GRADUAL_DIAGONAL - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .PanoseStrokeVariation
- GRADUAL_HORIZONTAL - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .PanoseStrokeVariation
- GRADUAL_TRANSITIONAL - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .PanoseStrokeVariation
- GRADUAL_VERTICAL - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .PanoseStrokeVariation
- GRANDTOTAL - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .MemberResultFlags
- GrandTotalName - property in service ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .DataPilotDescriptor
- grantPrivileges() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .XAuthorizable
- Graph - field in struct ::com::sun::star::rdf:: .Statement
- GRAPHIC - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .AccessibleRole
- GRAPHIC - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::text:: .PlaceholderType
- GRAPHIC - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::gallery:: .GalleryItemType
- GRAPHIC - value in enum ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .SymbolStyle
- GRAPHIC - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::frame:: .CommandGroup
- Graphic - property in service ::com::sun::star::gallery:: .GalleryItem
- Graphic - property in service ::com::sun::star::awt:: .UnoControlButtonModel
- Graphic - property in service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .GraphicObjectShape
- Graphic - property in service ::com::sun::star::awt:: .UnoControlCheckBoxModel
- Graphic - property in service ::com::sun::star::awt:: .UnoControlDialogModel
- Graphic - field in struct ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .Symbol
- Graphic - property in service ::com::sun::star::awt:: .UnoControlImageControlModel
- Graphic - property in service ::com::sun::star::awt:: .UnoControlRadioButtonModel
- Graphic - service ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .Graphic
- Graphic - attribute in interface ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .XGraphicObject
- Graphic - property in service ::com::sun::star::text:: .TextGraphicObject
- Graphic - property in service ::com::sun::star::awt:: .UnoControlRoadmapModel
- Graphic - property in service ::com::sun::star::util:: .PathSettings
- graphic - module ::com::sun::star:: .graphic
- GraphicBitmap - property in service ::com::sun::star::text:: .NumberingLevel
- GraphicColorMode - property in service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .GraphicObjectShape
- GraphicColorMode - property in service ::com::sun::star::text:: .TextGraphicObject
- GraphicColorMode - constants group ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .GraphicColorMode
- GraphicCrop - struct ::com::sun::star::text:: .GraphicCrop
- GraphicCrop - property in service ::com::sun::star::text:: .TextGraphicObject
- GraphicDescriptor - service ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .GraphicDescriptor
- GraphicExportFilter - service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .GraphicExportFilter
- GraphicFilter - property in service ::com::sun::star::text:: .TextGraphicObject
- GraphicFilterRequest - exception ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .GraphicFilterRequest
- GraphicIsInverted - property in service ::com::sun::star::text:: .TextGraphicObject
- GraphicLocation - enum ::com::sun::star::style:: .GraphicLocation
- GraphicObject - service ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .GraphicObject
- GraphicObjectCount - service ::com::sun::star::text::textfield:: .GraphicObjectCount
- GraphicObjectFillBitmap - property in service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .GraphicObjectShape
- GraphicObjectShape - service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .GraphicObjectShape
- GraphicObjectShape - service ::com::sun::star::presentation:: .GraphicObjectShape
- GraphicProvider - service ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .GraphicProvider
- GraphicRasterizer - service ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .GraphicRasterizer
- GraphicRendererVCL - service ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .GraphicRendererVCL
- GraphicSize - property in service ::com::sun::star::text:: .NumberingLevel
- GraphicStreamURL - property in service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .GraphicObjectShape
- GraphicType - constants group ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .GraphicType
- GraphicType - property in service ::com::sun::star::graphic:: .GraphicDescriptor
- GraphicURL - property in service ::com::sun::star::text:: .TextGraphicObject
- GraphicURL - property in service ::com::sun::star::style:: .NumberingLevel
- GraphicURL - property in service ::com::sun::star::text:: .NumberingLevel
- GraphicURL - property in service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .GraphicObjectShape
- GREATER - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .SQLFilterOperator
- GREATER - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .CompareBookmark
- GREATER - value in enum ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .FilterOperator
- GREATER - value in enum ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .ConditionOperator
- GREATER - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::awt:: .Key
- GREATER - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .FilterOperator2
- GREATEREQUAL - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .RuleOperator
- GREATER_EQUAL - value in enum ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .SolverConstraintOperator
- GREATER_EQUAL - value in enum ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .ConditionOperator
- GREATER_EQUAL - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .SQLFilterOperator
- GREATER_EQUAL - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .FilterOperator2
- GREATER_EQUAL - value in enum ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .FilterOperator
- Green - field in struct ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .ARGBColor
- Green - field in struct ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .RGBColor
- GREY - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .ColorComponentTag
- GREY - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::rendering:: .ColorSpaceType
- GREYS - value in enum ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .ColorMode
- grid - module ::com::sun::star::awt:: .grid
- GridBaseHeight - property in service ::com::sun::star::style:: .PageProperties
- GridColor - property in service ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .DocumentSettings
- GridColor - property in service ::com::sun::star::style:: .PageProperties
- GridColor - property in service ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .SpreadsheetViewSettings
- GridColumn - service ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .GridColumn
- GridColumnEvent - struct ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .GridColumnEvent
- GRIDCONTROL - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::form:: .FormComponentType
- GridControl - service ::com::sun::star::form::control:: .GridControl
- GridControl - service ::com::sun::star::form::component:: .GridControl
- GridDataEvent - struct ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .GridDataEvent
- GridDataModel - property in service ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .UnoControlGridModel
- GridDisplay - property in service ::com::sun::star::style:: .PageProperties
- GridInvalidDataException - exception ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .GridInvalidDataException
- GridInvalidModelException - exception ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .GridInvalidModelException
- GridLineColor - property in service ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .UnoControlGridModel
- GridLines - property in service ::com::sun::star::style:: .PageProperties
- GridMode - property in service ::com::sun::star::style:: .PageProperties
- GridPrint - property in service ::com::sun::star::style:: .PageProperties
- GridProperties - service ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .GridProperties
- GridRubyBelow - property in service ::com::sun::star::style:: .PageProperties
- GridRubyHeight - property in service ::com::sun::star::style:: .PageProperties
- GridSelectionEvent - struct ::com::sun::star::awt::grid:: .GridSelectionEvent
- GROUP - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::awt:: .VclWindowPeerAttribute
- Group - attribute in interface ::com::sun::star::report:: .XSection
- Group - field in struct ::com::sun::star::ucb:: .CrossReference
- Group - service ::com::sun::star::report:: .Group
- Group - service ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .Group
- group() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .XShapeGrouper
- group() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .XSheetOutline
- GroupAccess - service ::com::sun::star::configuration:: .GroupAccess
- GroupBarsPerAxis - property in service ::com::sun::star::chart2:: .Diagram
- GroupBarsPerAxis - property in service ::com::sun::star::chart:: .BarDiagram
- GROUPBOX - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::form:: .FormComponentType
- GroupBox - service ::com::sun::star::form::component:: .GroupBox
- GroupBox - service ::com::sun::star::form::control:: .GroupBox
- GroupBy - attribute in interface ::com::sun::star::chart2::data:: .XDatabaseDataProvider
- GroupBy - property in service ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .RowSet
- GroupBy - field in struct ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .DataPilotFieldGroupInfo
- GroupBy - property in service ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .DataSettings
- GroupBy - property in service ::com::sun::star::sdb:: .DataAccessDescriptor
- GroupDescriptor - service ::com::sun::star::sdbcx:: .GroupDescriptor
- GroupElement - service ::com::sun::star::configuration:: .GroupElement
- GroupFont - attribute in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XStyleSettings
- GroupID - field in struct ::com::sun::star::mozilla:: .MenuMultipleChange
- GroupId - field in struct ::com::sun::star::frame:: .DispatchInformation
- GroupInfo - property in service ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .DataPilotField
- GroupInterval - attribute in interface ::com::sun::star::report:: .XGroup
- GroupKeepTogether - attribute in interface ::com::sun::star::report:: .XReportDefinition
- GroupKeepTogether - constants group ::com::sun::star::report:: .GroupKeepTogether
- GroupOn - constants group ::com::sun::star::report:: .GroupOn
- GroupOn - attribute in interface ::com::sun::star::report:: .XGroup
- Groups - service ::com::sun::star::report:: .Groups
- Groups - attribute in interface ::com::sun::star::report:: .XReportDefinition
- Groups - attribute in interface ::com::sun::star::report:: .XGroup
- Groups - field in struct ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .DataPilotFieldGroupInfo
- GroupShape - service ::com::sun::star::drawing:: .GroupShape
- GroupTextColor - attribute in interface ::com::sun::star::awt:: .XStyleSettings
- GroupUpdate - service ::com::sun::star::configuration:: .GroupUpdate
- GROUP_BOX - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::accessibility:: .AccessibleRole
- GROWTH - value in enum ::com::sun::star::sheet:: .FillMode
- guessPrimaryLanguage() - function in interface ::com::sun::star::linguistic2:: .XLanguageGuessing
- gYear - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::xsd:: .DataTypeClass
- gYearMonth - constant in constants group ::com::sun::star::xsd:: .DataTypeClass
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