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unpublished interface XIntegerBitmapColorSpace
Base Interfaces

(referenced interface's summary:)
Information how to interpret certain color data.
Usage Restrictions
not published
A color space for integer bitmap formats

This interface encapsulates all information specific to a certain integer bitmap color space, like for example 1555 ARGB. Note that the individual elements of the integer color representation sequence need not correspond to the color space's components - instead, the color components might be packed back-to-back into those bytes, as they appear in the raw bitmap data.

Methods' Summary
getBitsPerPixel Query number of bits used per bitmap pixel. 
getComponentBitCounts Query the number of bits used for each component. 
getEndianness Query whether color data bytes need to be swapped. 
convertFromIntegerColorSpace Convert integer bitmap color to generic IEEE double device color of another color space. 
convertToIntegerColorSpace Convert integer bitmap color to integer bitmap color of another integer bitmap color space. 
convertIntegerToRGB Convert color value in this color space to sRGB color values. 
convertIntegerToARGB Convert color value in this color space to sRGB color values, with linear alpha. 
convertIntegerToPARGB Convert color value in this color space to premultiplied sRGB color values, with linear alpha. 
convertIntegerFromRGB Convert sRGB color to an integer representation in this color space. 
convertIntegerFromARGB Convert sRGB color with linear alpha into this color space. 
convertIntegerFromPARGB Convert premultiplied sRGB color with linear alpha into this color space. 
Methods' Details

Query number of bits used per bitmap pixel.

This method yields the total number of bits used for a color value. At the associated XIntegerBitmap, the XIntegerBitmap::setPixel() method will expect a sequence of ceil(BitsPerPixel/8) bytes, and the XIntegerReadOnlyBitmap::getPixel() will return that number of bytes. Similarly, the color conversion expect input data in multiples of ceil(BitsPerPixel/8), and also return converted data in chunks of this.

sequence< long >

Query the number of bits used for each component.

This method returnes a sequence of integers, each denoting the number of bits occupied by the respective component. The sum of all component bits must be less or equal than the value returned from getBitsPerPixel(). If the sum is less, excess bits are always kept in the most significant bits of a pixel. Color components will appear in the byte sequences returned from the XIntegerBitmap methods in the order defined here, with the first element starting from the least significant bits of the pixel, etc.

For the typical 32 bit RGBA color data, the four values would all contain the value eight. For a 16 bit 1555 ARGB format, with mask values 0x8000 for alpha, 0x7C for red, 0x3E for green and 0x1F for blue, the values would be 5, 5, 5, 1, in that order.

Query whether color data bytes need to be swapped.

true, This method returns the endiannes of the color data. The value is one of the ::Endianness constants. If color data is represented using more than one byte, the actual channel positions are specified using bit positions. Therefore, depending on the architecture, the actual color data bytes might need to get swapped, for the bits to align properly.

with a 16 bit 565 RGB format, written on a big endian architecture, a destination machine using little endian CPU will need to swap the bytes, in order to keep the green channel bits together.
sequence< ColorComponent >
convertFromIntegerColorSpace( [in] sequence< byte >  deviceColor,
[in] XColorSpace  targetColorSpace )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Convert integer bitmap color to generic IEEE double device color of another color space.

Color values are properly rounded and clipped, to be valid in the target color space.

Parameter deviceColor
Sequence of device color components. Is permitted to contain more than one device color element, therefore, batch conversion of multiple color values is possible.

the corresponding sequence of device colors in the target color space
a com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, if the input sequence does not match the device color format.
sequence< byte >
convertToIntegerColorSpace( [in] sequence< byte >  deviceColor,
[in] XIntegerBitmapColorSpace  targetColorSpace )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Convert integer bitmap color to integer bitmap color of another integer bitmap color space.

Color values are properly rounded and clipped, to be valid in the target color space.

Parameter deviceColor
Sequence of device color components. Is permitted to contain more than one device color element, therefore, batch conversion of multiple color values is possible.

the corresponding sequence of device colors in the target color space
a com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, if the input sequence does not match the device color format.
sequence< RGBColor >
convertIntegerToRGB( [in] sequence< byte >  deviceColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Convert color value in this color space to sRGB color values.

Any information not representable in the RGBColor struct is discarded during the conversion. This includes alpha information. Color values are properly rounded and clipped, to be valid in the target color space.

Parameter deviceColor
Sequence of device color components. Is permitted to contain more than one device color element, therefore, batch conversion of multiple color values is possible.
the corresponding sequence of sRGB colors.
a com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, if the input sequence does not match the device color format.
See also
sequence< ARGBColor >
convertIntegerToARGB( [in] sequence< byte >  deviceColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Convert color value in this color space to sRGB color values, with linear alpha.

If the given input color does not carry alpha information, an alpha value of 1.0 (fully opaque) is assumed. Color values are properly rounded and clipped, to be valid in the target color space.

Parameter deviceColor
Sequence of device color components. Is permitted to contain more than one device color element, therefore, batch conversion of multiple color values is possible.
the corresponding sequence of sRGB colors.
a com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, if the input sequence does not match the device color format.
sequence< ARGBColor >
convertIntegerToPARGB( [in] sequence< byte >  deviceColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Convert color value in this color space to premultiplied sRGB color values, with linear alpha.

If the given input color does not carry alpha information, an alpha value of 1.0 (fully opaque) is assumed. Color values are properly rounded and clipped, to be valid in the target color space. The resulting individual RGB color values are premultiplied by the alpha value (e.g. if alpha is 0.5, each color value has only half of the original intensity).

Parameter deviceColor
Sequence of device color components. Is permitted to contain more than one device color element, therefore, batch conversion of multiple color values is possible.
the corresponding sequence of sRGB colors.
a com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, if the input sequence does not match the device color format.
sequence< byte >
convertIntegerFromRGB( [in] sequence< RGBColor >  rgbColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Convert sRGB color to an integer representation in this color space.

If this color space conveys alpha information, it is assumed be fully opaque for the given rgb color value. Color values are properly rounded and clipped, to be valid in the target color space.

Parameter deviceColor
Sequence of sRGB color components. Is permitted to contain more than one color element, therefore, batch conversion of multiple color values is possible.
the corresponding sequence of device colors.
a com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, if the input sequence does not match the device color format.
sequence< byte >
convertIntegerFromARGB( [in] sequence< ARGBColor >  rgbColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Convert sRGB color with linear alpha into this color space.

If this color space does not convey alpha information, the specified alpha value is silently ignored. Color values are properly rounded and clipped, to be valid in the target color space.

Parameter deviceColor
Sequence of sRGB color components. Is permitted to contain more than one color element, therefore, batch conversion of multiple color values is possible.
the corresponding sequence of device colors.
a com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, if the input sequence does not match the device color format.
sequence< byte >
convertIntegerFromPARGB( [in] sequence< ARGBColor >  rgbColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Convert premultiplied sRGB color with linear alpha into this color space.

If this color space does not convey alpha information, the specified alpha value is silently ignored. Color values are properly rounded and clipped, to be valid in the target color space.

Parameter deviceColor
Sequence of sRGB color components. Is permitted to contain more than one color element, therefore, batch conversion of multiple color values is possible. The individual RGB color values are assumed to be premultiplied by the alpha value already.
the corresponding sequence of device colors.
a com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, if the input sequence does not match the device color format.
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