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Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15



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constants group SearchFlags
Flags for search methods

NORM_WORD_ONLY Flag for normal (Boyer-Moore) search / Search for word only.  
Flag for "regular expression" search / Interpret as extended regular expression.  
Flag for "regular expression" search / No register information or backreferences, i.e., avoid sub expressions. Return only true/false if matched or not.  
Flag for "regular expression" search / Special new line treatment.  
REG_NOT_BEGINOFLINE The first character in the string is not the beginning of the line therefore ^ will not match with first character of the string.  
REG_NOT_ENDOFLINE The last character in the string is not the end of the line therefore $ will not match with last character of the string.  
LEV_RELAXED Flag for "Weighted Levenshtein Distance" search / Relaxed checking of limit, split weigh pools.  
Constants' Details
const long ALL_IGNORE_CASE = 0x00000001;
Usage Restrictions
Deprecation Info
The constant ALL_IGNORE_CASE is never supported - use TransliterationModules::IGNORE_CASE with SearchOptions::transliterateFlags instead.
See also
const long NORM_WORD_ONLY = 0x00000010;
Flag for normal (Boyer-Moore) search / Search for word only.
const long REG_EXTENDED = 0x00000100;
Usage Restrictions
Deprecation Info
The flag is currently not supported by OOo.
Flag for "regular expression" search / Interpret as extended regular expression.
const long REG_NOSUB = 0x00000200;
Usage Restrictions
Deprecation Info
The flag is currently not supported by OOo.
Flag for "regular expression" search / No register information or backreferences, i.e., avoid sub expressions. Return only true/false if matched or not.
const long REG_NEWLINE = 0x00000400;
Usage Restrictions
Deprecation Info
The flag is currently not supported by OOo.

A NEWLINE character in string will not be matched by a period outside bracket expression or by any form of a non matching list.

A circumflex (^) in pattern when used to specify expression anchoring will match the zero length string immediately after a newline in string, regardless of the setting of REG_NOT_BEGINOFLINE.

A dollar-sign ($) in pattern when used to specify expression anchoring, will match zero-length string immediately before a new line in string, regardless of the setting of REG_NOT_ENDOFLINE.

Flag for "regular expression" search / Special new line treatment.
const long REG_NOT_BEGINOFLINE = 0x00000800;
The first character in the string is not the beginning of the line therefore ^ will not match with first character of the string.
const long REG_NOT_ENDOFLINE = 0x00001000;
The last character in the string is not the end of the line therefore $ will not match with last character of the string.
const long LEV_RELAXED = 0x00010000;
Flag for "Weighted Levenshtein Distance" search / Relaxed checking of limit, split weigh pools.

If not specified (strict), the search is sucessful if the WLD is within a calculated limit where each insertion, deletion and replacement adds a weight to a common pool of weights. This is the mathematically correct WLD.

From a user's point of view the strict WLD is an exclusive-OR of the arguments given, for example if allowed insertions=2 and allowed replacements=2, the search fails if 2 characters had been inserted and an additional operation would be needed to match. Depending on the weights it may also fail if 1 character was inserted and 1 character replaced and an additional operation would be needed to match. The strict algorithm may match less than expected from a first glance of the specified arguments, but does not return false positives.

If specified (relaxed), the search is also successful if the combined pool for insertions and deletions is below a doubled calculated limit and replacements are treated differently. Additionally, swapped characters are counted as one replacement.

From a user's point of view the relaxed WLD is an inclusive-OR of the arguments given, for example if allowed insertions=2 and allowed replacements=2, the search succeeds if 2 characters had been inserted and an additional replacement is needed to match. The relaxed algorithm may return false positives, but meets user expectation better.

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