Overview | Module | Use | Devguide | Index |
Nested Modules | Services | Singletons | Interfaces | Structs | Exceptions | Enums | Typedefs | Constant Groups |
module sheet |
Services | |
AccessibleCell | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
AccessibleCsvCell | The accessible object of a cell in the CSV import dialog. |
AccessibleCsvRuler | The accessible object of the ruler in the CSV import dialog. |
AccessibleCsvTable | The accessible object of the data table in the CSV import dialog. |
AccessiblePageHeaderFooterAreasView | The accessible view of the Header/Footer in a spreadsheet page preview |
AccessibleSpreadsheet | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
AccessibleSpreadsheetDocumentView | The accessible view of a spreadsheet document |
AccessibleSpreadsheetPageView | The accessible view of a spreadsheet page preview |
AddIn | is the base for AddIn services that supply functions which can be called by other components. |
CellAnnotation | represents a cell annotation object attached to a spreadsheet cell. |
CellAnnotationShape | represents the shape of a cell annotation object attached to a spreadsheet cell. |
CellAnnotations | represents a collection of cell annotations. |
CellAnnotationsEnumeration | represents an enumeration of cell annotations in a spreadsheet document. |
CellAreaLink | represents a linked cell range. |
CellAreaLinks | represents a collection of area links. |
CellAreaLinksEnumeration | represents an enumeration of cell area links. |
CellFormatRanges | represents a collection of equal-formatted cell ranges. |
CellFormatRangesEnumeration | represents an enumeration of equal-formatted cell ranges. |
Cells | represents a collection of used cells in a spreadsheet document. |
CellsEnumeration | represents an enumeration of spreadsheet cells. |
ConsolidationDescriptor | contains all settings of a data consolidation in a spreadsheet document. |
DDELink | represents a DDE link. |
DDELinks | represents a collection of DDE links. |
DDELinksEnumeration | represents an enumeration of DDE links. |
DataPilotDescriptor | represents the description of the layout of a data pilot table. |
DataPilotField | represents a single field in a data pilot table. |
DataPilotFieldGroup | represents a collection of members in a data pilot field group. |
DataPilotFieldGroupEnumeration | represents an enumeration of members in a DataPilot field group. |
DataPilotFieldGroupItem | represents the member in a data pilot field group. |
DataPilotFieldGroups | represents a collection of groups in a data pilot field. |
DataPilotFieldGroupsEnumeration | represents an enumeration of member groups in a DataPilot field. |
DataPilotFields | represents a collection of fields in a data pilot table. |
DataPilotFieldsEnumeration | represents an enumeration of data pilot fields. |
DataPilotItem | represents a single item in a data pilot field. |
DataPilotItems | represents a collection of items in a data pilot field. |
DataPilotItemsEnumeration | represents an enumeration of data pilot items. |
DataPilotSource | represents a data pilot source. |
DataPilotSourceDimension | represents a dimension in a data pilot source. |
DataPilotSourceDimensions | represents the collection of dimensions in a data pilot source. |
DataPilotSourceHierarchies | represents the collection of hierarchies in a data pilot source dimension. |
DataPilotSourceHierarchy | represents a hierarchy in a data pilot source dimension. |
DataPilotSourceLevel | represents a level in a data pilot source hierarchy. |
DataPilotSourceLevels | represents the collection of levels in a data pilot source hierarchy. |
DataPilotSourceMember | represents a member in a data pilot source level. |
DataPilotSourceMembers | represents the collection of members in a data pilot source level. |
DataPilotTable | represents a data pilot table on a spreadsheet. |
DataPilotTables | represents a collection of data pilot tables. |
DataPilotTablesEnumeration | represents an enumeration of data pilot tables. |
DatabaseImportDescriptor | represents a description of how data from an external database is imported. |
DatabaseRange | represents a database range in a spreadsheet document. |
DatabaseRanges | represents a collection of database ranges in a spreadsheet document. |
DatabaseRangesEnumeration | represents an enumeration of database ranges. |
DocumentSettings | describes properties that apply to the whole spreadsheet document. |
ExternalDocLink | Represents a single external document link. |
ExternalDocLinks | Represents a collection of external document links. |
ExternalSheetCache | A single sheet cache for an external document. |
FilterFormulaParser | A service used to implement parsing and printing formula strings in a specific formula language. |
FormulaOpCodeMapper | |
FormulaParser | |
FunctionAccess | allows generic access to all spreadsheet functions. |
FunctionDescription | collects all properties used to describe a function. |
FunctionDescriptionEnumeration | represents an enumeration of Function Descriptions. |
FunctionDescriptions | represents a collection of function descriptions for all built-in functions as well as add-in functions available in the spreadsheet application. |
GlobalSheetSettings | contributes properties to access the settings for all spreadsheets of a spreadsheet document. |
HeaderFooterContent | represents the contents of a header or footer line in a page style. |
LabelRange | represents a cell area that contains labels and values related to the labels. |
LabelRanges | represents a collection of label ranges in a spreadsheet document. |
LabelRangesEnumeration | represents an enumeration of label ranges. |
NamedRange | represents a named range in a spreadsheet document. |
NamedRanges | represents a collection of named ranges in a spreadsheet document. |
NamedRangesEnumeration | represents an enumeration of named ranges. |
RangeSelectionArguments | contains the arguments for starting the range selection. |
RecentFunctions | contains the list of recently used spreadsheet functions. |
Scenario | represents a scenario in a spreadsheet document. |
Scenarios | represents a collection of scenarios. |
ScenariosEnumeration | represents an enumeration of scenarios. |
Shape | specifies the service of shapes in a spreadsheet document |
SheetCell | represents a single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document. |
SheetCellCursor | represents a cursor in a spreadsheet. |
SheetCellRange | represents a rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document. |
SheetCellRanges | represents a collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document. |
SheetCellRangesEnumeration | represents an enumeration of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document. |
SheetFilterDescriptor | represents a description of how a cell range is to be filtered. |
SheetLink | represents a sheet link. |
SheetLinks | represents a collection of sheet links. |
SheetLinksEnumeration | represents an enumeration of sheet links. |
SheetRangesQuery | provides interfaces to find cells with specific properties. |
SheetSortDescriptor | a description of how a cell range is to be sorted. |
SheetSortDescriptor2 | a description of how a cell range is to be sorted. |
Solver | A solver for a model that is defined by spreadsheet cells. |
Spreadsheet | represents a complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document. |
SpreadsheetDocument | represents a model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets. |
SpreadsheetDocumentSettings | [ DEPRECATED ] contributes properties to control the configuration which is global for all views of a spreadsheet document. |
SpreadsheetDrawPage | This abstract service is implemented by every page of a SpreadsheetDocument. |
SpreadsheetView | represents a view of a spreadsheet document. |
SpreadsheetViewPane | represents a single pane in a view of a spreadsheet document. |
SpreadsheetViewPanesEnumeration | represents an enumeration of spreadsheet view panes. |
SpreadsheetViewSettings | contains settings which are specific to each view of a spreadsheet |
Spreadsheets | represents the collection of spreadsheets in a spreadsheet document. |
SpreadsheetsEnumeration | represents an enumeration of spreadsheets in a spreadsheet document. |
SubTotalDescriptor | represents a description of how subtotals are created. |
SubTotalField | represents a single field in a subtotal descriptor. |
SubTotalFieldsEnumeration | represents an enumeration of sub total fields. |
TableAutoFormat | represents an AutoFormat, containing exactly 16 AutoFormat fields. |
TableAutoFormatEnumeration | represents an enumeration of AutoFormat fields in an AutoFormat. |
TableAutoFormatField | represents a field in an AutoFormat. A field contains all cell properties for a specific position in an AutoFormat. |
TableAutoFormats | represents the collection of AutoFormats. |
TableAutoFormatsEnumeration | represents an enumeration of AutoFormats. |
TableCellStyle | contains the properties of a table cell style. |
TableConditionalEntry | represents a single condition in a conditional format. |
TableConditionalEntryEnumeration | represents an enumeration of conditional entries. |
TableConditionalFormat | represents a collection of conditional formatting settings for a cell or cell range. |
TablePageStyle | represents a page style for a spreadsheet. |
TableValidation | represents the data validation settings for a cell or cell range. |
UniqueCellFormatRanges | represents a collection of equal-formatted cell range collections. |
UniqueCellFormatRangesEnumeration | represents an enumeration of equal-formatted cell range collections. |
VolatileResult | represents a volatile function result. |
Interfaces | |
XActivationBroadcaster | provides methods to add and remove XActivationEventListener |
XActivationEventListener | makes it possible to receive events when the active spreadsheet changes. |
XAddIn | gives access to function descriptions and user-visible names. |
XAreaLink | provides methods to change the settings of a linked cell range. |
XAreaLinks | provides access via index to a collection of area links and inserting and removing area links. |
XArrayFormulaRange | provides handling of array formulas in a cell range. |
XArrayFormulaTokens | gives access to an array formula as token sequence. |
XCalculatable | represents something that can recalculate. |
XCellAddressable | represents a cell which can be addressed with a ::com::sun::star::table::CellAddress. |
XCellFormatRangesSupplier | provides access to a collection of equal-formatted cell ranges. |
XCellRangeAddressable | represents a cell which can be addressed with a ::com::sun::star::table::CellRangeAddress. |
XCellRangeData | allows to get and set an array of data from a cell range. |
XCellRangeFormula | allows to get and set cell contents (values, text or formulas) for a cell range. |
XCellRangeMovement | provides methods for moving ranges of cells in a sheet. |
XCellRangeReferrer | allows direct access to the cells in a named range or to the cells which are visible in a view, without the need to get the document object first. |
XCellRangesAccess | provides access to the cells or to sub-ranges of all sheets. |
XCellRangesQuery | provides methods to query for cell ranges with specific contents. |
XCellSeries | provides methods to fill out a cell range automatically with values based on a start value, step count and fill mode. |
XCompatibilityNames | gives access to the sequence of compatibility names for an Addin function. |
XConsolidatable | [ DEPRECATED ] provides methods to consolidate ranges in a spreadsheet document. |
XConsolidationDescriptor | [ DEPRECATED ] provides access to the settings of a consolidation descriptor. |
XDDELink | [ DEPRECATED ] provides methods to change the settings of a DDE link. |
XDDELinkResults | provides access to the DDE link results. |
XDDELinks | provides a method to add a DDE link to a spreadsheet. |
XDataPilotDataLayoutFieldSupplier | Provides access to the DataPilotField used to layout multiple data fields. |
XDataPilotDescriptor | provides access to the layout settings of a data pilot table. |
XDataPilotField | provides methods to control a data pilot field which has already been created. |
XDataPilotFieldGrouping | Provides methods to create new DataPilot fields where some or all items of this DataPilot field are grouped in some way. |
XDataPilotMemberResults | provides access to a sequence of results of a data pilot source level. |
XDataPilotResults | provides access to a table of results of a data pilot source. |
XDataPilotTable | provides methods to control a data pilot table which has already been created. |
XDataPilotTable2 | additional methods to extend XDataPilotTable. XDataPilotTable2 extends the old XDataPilotTable interface with additional methods. |
XDataPilotTables | provides access to the data pilot tables via name and inserting and removing data pilot tables. |
XDataPilotTablesSupplier | grants access to a collection of data pilot tables. |
XDatabaseRange | provides access to the settings and options of a database range. |
XDatabaseRanges | provides functions to manage a collection of database ranges. |
XDimensionsSupplier | provides access to the collection of dimensions of a data pilot source. |
XDocumentAuditing | provides auditing functions of a document. |
XDrillDownDataSupplier | supplies a filtered subset of the original data source based on filtering criteria.
A service that acts as a DataPilot data source can optionally implement this
interface to allow drill-down of result data. The method this interface provides
is used internally when calling |
XEnhancedMouseClickBroadcaster | provides methods to add and remove EnhancedMouseClickHandler |
XExternalDocLink | Primary interface for the ExternalDocLink service. |
XExternalDocLinks | Primary interface for the ExternalDocLinks service. |
XExternalSheetCache | Primary interface for the ExternalSheetCache service. |
XExternalSheetName | provides a method to set an external name at the sheet. |
XFillAcrossSheet | [ DEPRECATED ] |
XFilterFormulaParser | Extends the interface XFormulaParser by an attribute that specifies the namespace URL of the supported formula language. |
XFormulaOpCodeMapper | gives access to spreadsheet compiler token interns. |
XFormulaParser | converts between text and token representations of formulas. |
XFormulaQuery | provides methods to query cells for dependencies in formulas. |
XFormulaTokens | gives access to a formula as token sequence. |
XFunctionAccess | allows generic access to all spreadsheet functions. |
XFunctionDescriptions | provides access to the property sequence of a function description via function index or identifier. |
XGoalSeek | provides seeking a goal value for a cell. |
XHeaderFooterContent | provides access to the text contents of a header or footer on a page. |
XHierarchiesSupplier | provides access to the collection of hierarchies of a data pilot source dimension. |
XLabelRange | provides access to the settings of a label range in a spreadsheet document. |
XLabelRanges | provides methods to access the members of a label range collection and to insert and remove them. |
XLevelsSupplier | provides access to the collection of levels of a data pilot source hierarchy. |
XMembersSupplier | provides access to the collection of members of a data pilot source level. |
XMultiFormulaTokens | gives access to multiple sets of formula tokens. A service implementing this interface can internally set an arbitrary number of formula token sequences. The number of allowed formula token sequences must be returned by the XMultiFormulaTokens::getCount method. When the client code tries to access formula tokens at index that is outside the allowed index range, the implementation shall return an IndexOutOfBoundsException. |
XMultipleOperation | provides a method to apply a Multiple Operations Table to the cell range. |
XNamedRange | provides access to the settings of a named range in a spreadsheet document. |
XNamedRange2 | provides access to the settings of a named ranges with duplicate names in a spreadsheet document. |
XNamedRanges | provides access to the members in a collection of named ranges and to insert and remove them. |
XNamedRanges2 | provides access to the members in a collection user defined named ranges with duplicate names and to insert and remove them. |
XPrintAreas | represents a sheet which has print areas. |
XRangeSelection | allows to let the user to select a cell range. |
XRangeSelectionChangeListener | allows notification when the selected range is changed. |
XRangeSelectionListener | allows notification when range selection is completed or aborted. |
XRecentFunctions | provides access to a list of recently used functions. |
XResultListener | allows notification when a new volatile function result is available. |
XScenario | provides access to the settings of a scenario sheet. |
XScenarioEnhanced | provides enhanced access to the settings of a scenario sheet. |
XScenarios | provides access via name to the scenarios in a collection and inserting and removing scenarios. |
XScenariosSupplier | provides access to a collection of scenarios. |
XSheetAnnotation | provides methods to query data of the annotation and to show and hide it. |
XSheetAnnotationAnchor | provides access to a cell annotation attached to a spreadsheet cell. |
XSheetAnnotationShapeSupplier | provides methods to get the shape of o annotation |
XSheetAnnotations | provides methods to access cell annotations via index and to insert and remove annotations. |
XSheetAnnotationsSupplier | provides access to a collection of cell annotations. |
XSheetAuditing | provides methods to access auditing (detective) features in a spreadsheet. |
XSheetCellCursor | provides advanced methods to control the position of a cursor in a spreadsheet. |
XSheetCellRange | provides access to the spreadsheet that contains a cell range. |
XSheetCellRangeContainer | provides methods to access cell ranges in a collection via index and to add and remove cell ranges. |
XSheetCellRanges | provides methods to access cell ranges in a collection via index and other helper methods. |
XSheetCondition | provides methods to access the settings of a condition in a conditional format or data validation. |
XSheetConditionalEntries | provides methods to add and remove conditions of a conditional format. |
XSheetConditionalEntry | provides methods to access the cell style name for a condition in a conditional format. |
XSheetFilterDescriptor | provides access to a collection of filter conditions (filter fields). |
XSheetFilterDescriptor2 | provides access to a collection of filter conditions (filter fields). |
XSheetFilterable | represents something that can be filtered using an XSheetFilterDesriptor. |
XSheetFilterableEx | represents something from which criteria for filtering can be read. |
XSheetLinkable | [ DEPRECATED ] enables a sheet to refer to another sheet in a different document. |
XSheetOperation | provides methods to execute operations on a cell range or ranges. |
XSheetOutline | provides methods to access the outlines of a sheet. |
XSheetPageBreak | [ DEPRECATED ] provides access to page breaks in a sheet. |
XSheetPastable | [ DEPRECATED ] represents a sheet into which contents of the clipboard can be pasted. |
XSolver | allows to call a solver for a model that is defined by spreadsheet cells. |
XSolverDescription | gives access to user-visible strings for a solver. |
XSpreadsheet | provides methods to create a cell range cursor. |
XSpreadsheetDocument | provides access to a collection of spreadsheets. |
XSpreadsheetView | is the main interface of a SpreadsheetView. It manages the active sheet within this view. |
XSpreadsheets | provides methods to access the spreadsheets by name and to insert, copy, remove and rearrange spreadsheets. |
XSubTotalCalculatable | contains methods to handle a subtotal descriptor. |
XSubTotalDescriptor | provides access to the collection of subtotal fields in a subtotal descriptor. |
XSubTotalField | provides access to the settings of a field in a subtotal descriptor. |
XUniqueCellFormatRangesSupplier | provides access to a collection of collections of equal-formatted cell ranges. |
XUsedAreaCursor | provides methods to find the used area of the entire sheet. |
XViewFreezable | enables a SpreadsheetView to freeze columns and rows of the view. |
XViewPane | represents a pane in a view of a spreadsheet document. |
XViewPanesSupplier | [ DEPRECATED ] enables access to the panes in a view. |
XViewSplitable | [ DEPRECATED ] enables a SpreadsheetView to split the view. |
XVolatileResult | provides methods to handle a volatile function result. |
Structs | |
ActivationEvent | describes a change of the active sheet. The new active sheet is given with this event. |
ComplexReference | contains a reference to a cell range. |
DDEItemInfo | describes an item of a DDE connection. A DDE connection consists of the DDE service name, the DDE topic and a list of DDE items which may contain cached result sets. |
DDELinkInfo | describes all items of a DDE connection used in formulas. |
DataPilotFieldAutoShowInfo | contains the auto show information of a DataPilotField. |
DataPilotFieldFilter | |
DataPilotFieldGroupInfo | contains the grouping information of a DataPilotField. |
DataPilotFieldLayoutInfo | contains the layout information of a DataPilotField. |
DataPilotFieldReference | controls how a data pilot field's results are shown in relation to a selected reference result. |
DataPilotFieldSortInfo | describes how to sort a single DataPilotField |
DataPilotTableHeaderData | information about a cell within the column or row header area of a DataPilot table. This struct contains information about a particular cell located within the column or row header area of a DataPilot table. This is the type that is contained in DataPilotTablePositionData::PositionData when the value of DataPilotTablePositionData::PositionType is either DataPilotTablePositionType::ROW_HEADER or DataPilotTablePositionType::COLUMN_HEADER. |
DataPilotTablePositionData | This structure contains information on a cell within a DataPilot table. |
DataPilotTableResultData | information about a cell positioned within the result area of a DataPilot table. |
DataResult | contains the result of one element in the data pilot data array. |
ExternalLinkInfo | describes an external link in a formula. |
ExternalReference | Data structure to store information about an external reference. An external reference can be either a single cell reference, a cell range reference, or a named range. |
FormulaOpCodeMapEntry | contains a mapping from a formula name (function name, operator, ...) to the OpCode used by the formula compiler. |
FormulaToken | contains a single token within a formula. |
FunctionArgument | contains the description of a single argument within a spreadsheet function. |
GoalResult | is the result of a goal seek operation. |
LocalizedName | A name that is valid for a specified locale. |
MemberResult | describes a result of a DataPilot member. |
RangeScopeName | |
RangeSelectionEvent | specifies an event from range selection. |
ResultEvent | contains the new value of a volatile function result. |
SingleReference | contains a reference to a single cell. |
SolverConstraint | is used to specify a constraint for a solver model. |
SubTotalColumn | describes how a single data column is treated when creating subtotals. |
TableFilterField | describes a single condition in a filter descriptor. |
TableFilterField2 | describes a single condition in a filter descriptor. |
TablePageBreakData | describes a page break in a spreadsheet. |
Exceptions | |
NoConvergenceException | Thrown by a Calc Add-In function this exception indicates the function's algorithm did not converge to a meaningful result. |
Enums | |
Border | is used to select one of the four borders of a cell range. |
CellDeleteMode | is used to specify how remaining cells are moved when cells are deleted. |
CellInsertMode | is used to specify how cells are moved when new cells are inserted. |
ConditionOperator | is used to specify the type of XSheetCondition. |
DDELinkMode | used to specify how the DDE server application converts its data into numbers. |
DataImportMode | used to specify which database contents are imported. |
DataPilotFieldOrientation | used to specify where a field in a data pilot table is laid out. |
FillDateMode | used to specify how an arithmetic date series is calculated. |
FillDirection | used to specify the direction of filling cells, for example, with a series. |
FillMode | used to specify the series type used to fill cells. |
FilterConnection | used to specify how two conditions in a filter descriptor are connected. |
FilterOperator | specifies the type of a single condition in a filter descriptor. |
GeneralFunction | used to specify a function to be calculated from values. |
PasteOperation | used to specify which operations are carried out when pasting cell values into a cell range. |
SheetLinkMode | used to specify how a sheet is linked to another sheet. |
SolverConstraintOperator | is used to specify the type of SolverConstraint. |
TableOperationMode | used to specify if a table operation is applied to columns, rows, or both columns and rows. |
ValidationAlertStyle | used to specify how invalid cell contents are treated. |
ValidationType | used to specify which cell contents are treated as valid. |
Constant Groups | |
AddressConvention | These constants specify which address convention to use in the formula parser. Each variation specifies a different cell and cell range address syntax. |
CellFlags | These constants select different types of cell contents. |
DataPilotFieldGroupBy | These constants select different types for grouping members of a DataPilot field by date or time. |
DataPilotFieldLayoutMode | describes the layout mode of the data field |
DataPilotFieldReferenceItemType | is used to select the reference item |
DataPilotFieldReferenceType | These constants select different types of References to calculate the data fields. |
DataPilotFieldShowItemsMode | These constants select different types of showing a selection of items. |
DataPilotFieldSortMode | describes the sort mode of the data field |
DataPilotOutputRangeType | specifies region type of DataPilot table range |
DataPilotTablePositionType | specifies in which sub-area a cell is positioned within a DataPilot table. |
DataResultFlags | used to specify the result type of one element in the data pilot data array. |
DimensionFlags | used to specify flags for a dimension in a data pilot source. |
ExternalLinkType | Constants designating the link type in ExternalLinkInfo, used with FormulaParser::ExternalLinks. |
FilterOperator2 | specifies the type of a single condition in a filter descriptor. |
FormulaLanguage | Constants designating the formula language used with XFormulaOpCodeMapper methods. |
FormulaMapGroup | Constants of bit masks used with ::XFormurmulaOpCodeMapper::getAvailableMappings to specify for which group of symbols the mappings are to be obtained. If no bit is set, a sequence of special mappings is returned in the order that is defined by FormulaMapGroupSpecialOffset. Note that the special group and other groups are mutual exclusive. |
FormulaMapGroupSpecialOffset | Constants designating the offsets within the sequence returned by XFormulaOpCodeMapper::getAvailableMappings when called for group FormulaMapGroup::SPECIAL. |
FormulaResult | used to select different result types of cell formulas. |
FunctionCategory | used to specify the category of a spreadsheet function. |
MemberResultFlags | used to give information about elements in data pilot member results. |
MoveDirection | used to specify the direction of moving the current selection i.e. after a cell has been left with Enter. |
NamedRangeFlag | used to specify the purpose of a named range. |
ReferenceFlags | defines flags for references. |
SpreadsheetViewObjectsMode | Constants that control how embedded objects are shown in the view. |
StatusBarFunction | used to specify the function used to calculate a result in the spreadsheet's status bar. |
TableValidationVisibility | These constants specify whether and how a list of possible values of a cell should be shown. |
_NamedRange | [ DEPRECATED ] |
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