Overview | Module | Use | Devguide | Index |
Nested Modules | Services | Singletons | Interfaces | Structs | Exceptions | Enums | Typedefs | Constant Groups |
:: com :: sun :: star :: configuration :: |
module backend |
Nested Modules | |
xml |
Services | |
Backend | provides access to a configuration database composed of one or more storage backends containing settings used by software modules. |
BackendAdapter | implements Backend retrieving data from a SingleBackend. |
CopyImporter | imports data into a configuration layer by copying over existing data. |
DataImporter | allows importing data from one configuration repository into another. . |
DefaultBackend | is a DefaultBackend, that is the default DefaultBackend for its ::com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext. |
HierarchyBrowser | allows scanning a configuration data repository for available components . |
Importer | imports data into a configuration layer. |
InteractionHandler | An interaction request handler that lets the user handle a number of well known requests via GUI dialogs. |
Layer | provides read-only access to a configuration data layer. |
LayerDescriber | describe the contents of a layer to an XLayerHander object. The contents of the layer is contained in the sequence of PropertyInfo structures |
LayerFilter | provides a filtered version of a configuration data Layer. |
LayerUpdateMerger | applies updates to a configuration layer. |
LdapMultiLayerStratum | implements MultiLayerStratum that provides access to a multiple layers of configuration data from ldap source |
LdapSingleBackend | implements SingleBackend that stores data in an LDAP directoy. |
LdapSingleStratum | implements SingleLayerStratum that provides access to a single layer of configuration data from ldap source |
LocalDataImporter | allows importing data from a local configuration data repository or file into any Backend. |
LocalHierarchyBrowser | is a HierarchyBrowser, that browses a configuration database stored in the local file system. |
LocalSchemaSupplier | implements SchemaSupplier providing access to local configuration schemas |
LocalSingleBackend | implements SingleBackend that stores data in the local filesystem using the OOR XML formats. |
LocalSingleStratum | implements SingleLayerStratum that provides access to a singe layer of configuration data from local file system |
MergeImporter | imports data into a configuration layer by merging with existing data. |
MultiLayerStratum | Provides access to a singe layer of configuration data |
MultiStratumBackend | implements Backend provides access to a configuration database composed of one or more storage backends containing settings used by software modules. |
OfflineBackend | implements BackendAdapter that maintains a cache so it can operate even if the SingleBackend holding the data is inaccessible. |
OnlineBackend | implements a BackendAdapter that requires that the SingleBackend holding the data is continuously accessible. |
PlatformBackend | implements SingleLayerStratum that provides access to a singe layer of configuration data from external data store |
Schema | provides read only access to a configuration component schema. |
SchemaSupplier | provides access to configuration schemas |
SingleBackend | is a configuration storage backends containing a complete configuration database, including user data, default or policy layers and schemata. |
SingleBackendAdapter | implements a simple BackendAdapter that can be used for normal configuration operation. |
SingleLayerStratum | Provides access to a single layer of configuration data |
SystemIntegration | provides access to a configuration data composed of one or more platform backends containing settings used by software modules. |
UpdatableLayer | provides read/write access to a configuration data layer. |
Interfaces | |
XBackend | Handles access to layered data stored in a repository. |
XBackendChangesListener | receives notification from backend broadcaster objects. |
XBackendChangesNotifier | broadcasts changes when data from backend sources has changed. |
XBackendEntities | Provides functionality relating to common and supported entities for a configuration data backend. |
XCompositeLayer | provides read access to layers that contain sublayers accessible through an additional criterion (for instance the locale they contain data for). |
XLayer | provides read access to the data contained in a layer. |
XLayerContentDescriber | describe the contents of a layer to an XLayerHander object. The contents of the layer is contained in the sequence of PropertyInfo structures |
XLayerHandler | receives a description of a configuration layer as a sequence of events. |
XLayerImporter | allows importing a layer into a Backend |
XMultiLayerStratum | Handles access to a stratum consisting of multiple layers in a single configuration data repository |
XSchema | Handles access to the elements of a component schema, i.e its templates and its component definition. |
XSchemaHandler | receives a description of a configuration schema as a sequence of events. |
XSchemaSupplier | provides access to configuration component schemas. |
XSingleLayerStratum | Handles access to a stratum consisting of a single layer in a configuration data repository |
XUpdatableLayer | Provides access to a read-write layer of configuration data for a given component and entity. |
XUpdateHandler | receives a description of a configuration update or layer as a sequence of events. |
XVersionedSchemaSupplier | provides access to versioned configuration component schemas. |
Structs | |
ComponentChangeEvent | This event is fired when a change becomes effective on the source of the event |
PropertyInfo | This structure contains all the information related to a property |
TemplateIdentifier | holds the data needed to identify a template. |
Exceptions | |
AuthenticationFailedException | Exception thrown when authentication to the underlying backend fails due to an unknown user-id or invalid credentials. |
BackendAccessException | Generic exception thrown when physical access to an underlying backend fails. |
BackendSetupException | Generic exception thrown when setting up a connection to an underlying backend fails. |
CannotConnectException | Exception thrown when a connection to the underlying backend cannot be established. |
ConnectionLostException | Exception thrown when the connection to the underlying backend was lost irrecoverably. |
InsufficientAccessRightsException | Exception thrown when access to the underlying backend fails because of insufficient access rights to some needed resource. |
InvalidAuthenticationMechanismException | Exception thrown when authentication to the underlying backend fails because the configured authentication mechanism is not supported by the backend or no valid mechanism can be negotiated. |
MalformedDataException | is raised when the data of a component schema, layer or update is not well-formed, violates the schema or is otherwise invalid. |
MergeRecoveryRequest | is passed to an merging fails due to invalid layer data or access problems. |
StratumCreationException | is passed to an creating a stratum backend fails. |
Constant Groups | |
NodeAttribute | These values are used to specify the behavior of a node or property in a layer. |
SchemaAttribute | These values are used to specify the behavior of a node or property in the schema. |
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