Overview | Module | Use | Devguide | Index |
Nested Modules | Services | Singletons | Interfaces | Structs | Exceptions | Enums | Typedefs | Constant Groups |
module awt |
Nested Modules | |
grid | |
tab | |
tree |
Services | |
AccessibleButton | specifies accessibility support for a button. |
AccessibleCheckBox | specifies accessibility support for a check box. |
AccessibleComboBox | specifies accessibility support for a combo box. |
AccessibleDropDownComboBox | specifies accessibility support for a dropdown combo box. |
AccessibleDropDownListBox | specifies accessibility support for a dropdown list box. |
AccessibleEdit | specifies accessibility support for an edit. |
AccessibleFixedText | specifies accessibility support for a fixed text. |
AccessibleIconChoiceControl | specifies accessibility support for an icon choice control. |
AccessibleIconChoiceControlEntry | specifies accessibility support for an icon choice control entry. |
AccessibleList | Accessible lists are used by combo boxes as container for the list items. |
AccessibleListBox | specifies accessibility support for a list box. |
AccessibleListBoxList | Accessible list box lists are used by list boxes as container for the list items. In addtion of the simple container functionality of the AccessibleList service the ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessibleSelection interface is supported. |
AccessibleListItem | specifies accessibility support for a list item. |
AccessibleMenu | specifies accessibility support for a menu. |
AccessibleMenuBar | specifies accessibility support for a menu bar. |
AccessibleMenuItem | specifies accessibility support for a menu item. |
AccessibleMenuSeparator | specifies accessibility support for a menu separator. |
AccessiblePopupMenu | specifies accessibility support for a popup menu. |
AccessibleRadioButton | specifies accessibility support for a radio button. |
AccessibleScrollBar | specifies accessibility support for a scroll bar. |
AccessibleStatusBar | specifies accessibility support for a status bar. |
AccessibleStatusBarItem | specifies accessibility support for a status bar item. |
AccessibleTabBar | specifies accessibility support for a tabbar. |
AccessibleTabBarPage | specifies accessibility support for a tabbar page. |
AccessibleTabBarPageList | specifies accessibility support for a tabbar page list. |
AccessibleTabControl | specifies accessibility support for a tab control. |
AccessibleTabPage | specifies accessibility support for a tab page. |
AccessibleTextField | Text fields are like edit fields as described by the AccessibleEdit service but without the ability to edit the text. |
AccessibleToolBox | specifies accessibility support for a tool box. |
AccessibleToolBoxItem | specifies accessibility support for a tool box item. |
AccessibleTreeListBox | specifies accessibility support for a tree list box. |
AccessibleTreeListBoxEntry | specifies accessibility support for a treelistbox entry. |
AccessibleWindow | specifies accessibility support for a window. |
AnimatedImagesControl | is the default control used for an AnimatedImagesControlModel, displayed a series of images. |
AnimatedImagesControlModel | describes the model for a control displaying a series of images |
AsyncCallback | An implementation which uses the message queue to call the callback implementation asynchronously. |
ContainerWindowProvider | specifies a provider for container windows implementing the XWindow interface. |
DialogProvider | specifies a provider for dialogs implementing the XDialog interface. |
DialogProvider2 | specifies a provider for dialogs implementing the XDialog interface. |
MenuBar | describes a menu for top-level windows. |
PopupMenu | describes a popup menu which is a recursive container for commands |
PrinterServer | manages several printers on one machine. |
RoadmapItem | |
SpinningProgressControlModel | is a specialization of the AnimatedImagesControlModel. |
TabController | specifies a standard tab controller. |
TabControllerModel | specifies a standard tab controller model. |
Toolkit | describes a toolkit that creates windows on a screen. |
UnoControl | specifies an abstract control. |
UnoControlButton | specifies a button control. |
UnoControlButtonModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlButton. |
UnoControlCheckBox | specifies a check box control. |
UnoControlCheckBoxModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlCheckBox. |
UnoControlComboBox | specifies a combo box control. |
UnoControlComboBoxModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlComboBox. |
UnoControlContainer | specifies an abstract control which contains other controls. |
UnoControlContainerModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlContainer. |
UnoControlCurrencyField | specifies a currency field control. |
UnoControlCurrencyFieldModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlCurrencyField. |
UnoControlDateField | specifies a date field control. |
UnoControlDateFieldModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlDateField. |
UnoControlDialog | specifies a dialog control. |
UnoControlDialogElement | specifies a set of properties to describe the model of an UnoControl which is embedded in a UnoControlDialogModel. |
UnoControlDialogModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlDialog. |
UnoControlDialogModelProvider | specifies a service to load a dialog model and allows to access the control models inside |
UnoControlEdit | specifies an edit control. |
UnoControlEditModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlEdit. |
UnoControlFileControl | specifies a file control. |
UnoControlFileControlModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlFileControl. |
UnoControlFixedHyperlink | specifies a control for displaying fixed hyperlink. |
UnoControlFixedHyperlinkModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlFixedHyperlink. |
UnoControlFixedLine | specifies a fixed line control. |
UnoControlFixedLineModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlFixedLine. |
UnoControlFixedText | specifies a control for displaying fixed text. |
UnoControlFixedTextModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlFixedText. |
UnoControlFormattedField | specifies a formatted field control. |
UnoControlFormattedFieldModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlFormattedField. |
UnoControlGroupBox | specifies a group box control. |
UnoControlGroupBoxModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlGroupBox. |
UnoControlImageControl | specifies a control for displaying an image. |
UnoControlImageControlModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlImageControl. |
UnoControlListBox | specifies a list box control. |
UnoControlListBoxModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlListBox. |
UnoControlModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControl in the Smalltalk model view controller design. |
UnoControlNumericField | specifies a numeric field control. |
UnoControlNumericFieldModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlNumericField. |
UnoControlPatternField | specifies a pattern field control. |
UnoControlPatternFieldModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlPatternField. |
UnoControlProgressBar | specifies a progress bar control. |
UnoControlProgressBarModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlProgressBar. |
UnoControlRadioButton | specifies a radio button control. |
UnoControlRadioButtonModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlRadioButton. |
UnoControlRoadmap | specifies a Roadmap control. The model of the Roadmap control must be a UnoControlRoadmapModel |
UnoControlRoadmapModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlContainer. |
UnoControlScrollBar | specifies a scroll bar control. |
UnoControlScrollBarModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlScrollBar. |
UnoControlSpinButton | specifies a spin button control. |
UnoControlSpinButtonModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlSpinButton. |
UnoControlTimeField | specifies a time field control. |
UnoControlTimeFieldModel | specifies the standard model of an UnoControlTimeField. |
Interfaces | |
XActionListener | makes it possible to receive action events. |
XActivateListener | makes it possible to receive activate events. |
XAdjustmentListener | makes it possible to receive adjustment events. |
XAnimatedImages | allows administrating a set of images, to be displayed as animated seres. |
XAnimation | allows controlling an animation. |
XBitmap | provides a bitmap in the Microsoft DIB format. |
XButton | makes it possible to set the label of a button and to register for action events. |
XCallback | specifices an interface which can be used to call back an implementation |
XCheckBox | gives access to the state of a check box and makes it possible to register for events. |
XComboBox | gives access to the items of a combo box and makes it possible to register item and action event listeners. |
XContainerWindowEventHandler | Handles events fired by windows represented by a XWindow interface. |
XContainerWindowProvider | provides container windows implementing the XWindow interface. |
XControl | identifies a control. |
XControlContainer | Provides access to the controls within an UnoControlContainer. |
XControlModel | identifies a control model. |
XCurrencyField | gives access to the value and formatting of a currency field. |
XDataTransferProviderAccess | This interface extends the XToolkit interface with clipboard and drag-and-drop support. |
XDateField | gives access to the value and settings of a date field. |
XDevice | provides information about a graphical output device and offers a factory for the graphics which provides write operations on the device. |
XDialog | makes it possible to show and hide a dialog and gives access to the title of the dialog. |
XDialog2 | Makes it possible to end a dialog and set a help id. |
XDialogEventHandler | Handles events fired by dialogs represented by a XDialog interface. |
XDialogProvider | provides dialogs implementing the XDialog interface. |
XDialogProvider2 | provides dialogs implementing the XDialog interface. |
XDisplayBitmap | specifies an object as a bitmap for which data is formatted for a specific output device. |
XDisplayConnection | This interface should be implemented by toolkits that want to give access to their internal message handling loop. |
XDockableWindow | specifies the docking interface for a window component. |
XDockableWindowListener | makes it possible to receive docking events. |
XEnhancedMouseClickHandler | makes it possible to receive enhanced events from the mouse. |
XEventHandler | This interface can be implemented by clients that need access to the toolkits window message loop. |
XExtendedToolkit | [ DEPRECATED ] The XExtendedToolkit is an extension of the XToolkit interface. It basically provides access to three event broadcasters which are used for instance in the context of accessibility. It is, however, not restricted to accessibility. |
XFileDialog | [ DEPRECATED ] gives access to a file dialog. |
XFixedHyperlink | gives access to the text and formatting of a fixed hyperlink field. |
XFixedText | gives access to the text and formatting of a fixed text field. |
XFocusListener | makes it possible to receive keyboard focus events. |
XFont | decribes a font on a specific device. |
XFont2 | extends the XFont interface and provides additional information for a font. |
XGraphics | provides the basic output operation of a device. |
XImageButton | makes it possible to register for action events of an image button and sets the action command. |
XImageConsumer | specifies a data sink for an image. |
XImageProducer | specifies a source for an image. |
XInfoPrinter | represents an information printer. |
XItemEventBroadcaster | registers item listeners at controls like the com::sun::star::awt::Roadmap |
XItemList | provides convenient access to the list of items in a list box |
XItemListListener | describes a listener for changes in a item list |
XItemListener | makes it possible to receive events from a component when the state of an item changes. |
XKeyHandler | This key handler is similar to XKeyListener but allows the consumption of key events. If a key event is consumed by one handler both the following handlers, with respect to the list of key handlers of the broadcaster, and a following handling by the broadcaster will not take place. |
XKeyListener | makes it possible to receive keyboard events. |
XLayoutConstrains | specifies the layout constraints for a surrounding container. |
XLayoutContainer | specifies the layout constraints for a surrounding container. |
XLayoutFlow | Enables height-for-width layout negociations, which allows for label wrapping and flow containers. Can be implemented by either a container or an ordinary widget; whether its parent will honor it is another story, so keep implementing getMinimumSize(). |
XLayoutRoot | specifies an interface for a top-level layoutable widget |
XLayoutUnit | Responsible to evaluate size damages and force a re-calculation. Containers should let it know of state changes that may affects their size. All children of a top-level window should share the same object. |
XListBox | gives access to the items of a list box and makes it possible to register item and action event listeners. |
XMenu | specifies a simple menu. |
XMenuBar | identifies a menu bar. |
XMenuListener | makes it possible to receive menu events on a window. |
XMessageBox | gives access to a message box. |
XMessageBoxFactory | specifies a factory interface for creating message boxes. |
XMetricField | gives access to the value and formatting of a metric field. |
XMouseClickHandler | makes it possible to receive events from the mouse in a certain window. |
XMouseListener | makes it possible to receive events from the mouse in a certain window. |
XMouseMotionHandler | makes it possible to receive mouse motion events on a window. |
XMouseMotionListener | makes it possible to receive mouse motion events on a window. |
XNumericField | gives access to the value and formatting of a numeric field. |
XPaintListener | makes it possible to receive paint events. |
XPatternField | gives access to the value and formatting of a pattern field. |
XPointer | gives access to the type of mouse pointer. |
XPopupMenu | controls a popup menu. |
XPrinter | represents a virtual printer. |
XPrinterPropertySet | represents an extended property set for printer properties. |
XPrinterServer | manages several printers on one machine. |
XProgressBar | gives access to the value and settings of a progress bar. |
XProgressMonitor | [ DEPRECATED ] gives access to the text of a progress monitor. |
XRadioButton | gives access to the state of a radio button and makes it possible to register item event listeners. |
XRegion | manages multiple rectangles which make up a region. |
XRequestCallback | specifices an interface which can be used to call back an implementation |
XReschedule | [ DEPRECATED ] The XReschedule interface can be used to give control to the main thread to allow events processing. |
XScrollBar | gives access to the value and settings of a scroll bar and makes it possible to register adjustment event listeners. |
XSimpleTabController | specifies the basic operations for a tab controller, but does not require XControl as type of tabs. |
XSpinField | gives access to the value of a spin field and makes it possible to register for spin events. |
XSpinListener | makes it possible to receive spin events. |
XSpinValue | gives access to the value and settings of a control which is associated with a spinnable value. |
XStyleChangeListener | to be implemented by components which wish to be notified about changes in the style of a component |
XStyleSettings | provides access to certain style settings within an OpenOffice.org component, such as a window, or within OpenOffice.org as a whole. |
XStyleSettingsSupplier | provides access to the style settings of a component |
XSystemChildFactory | specifies a factory interface for creating system child windows. |
XSystemDependentMenuPeer | provides access to the system dependent implementation of the window. |
XSystemDependentWindowPeer | provides access to the system dependent implementation of the window. |
XTabController | specifies the basic operations for a tab controller. |
XTabControllerModel | specifies the basic operations for a tab controller model. |
XTabListener | such listener will be informed if tab's was inserted/removed from an XSimpleTabController instance or if the properties of a tab was changed. |
XTextArea | gives access to the text in a control. |
XTextComponent | gives access to the text of a component and makes it possible to register event listeners. |
XTextEditField | is used for password fields. |
XTextLayoutConstrains | specifies the layout contstraints for a text field. |
XTextListener | makes it possible to receive text change events. |
XTimeField | gives access to the value and settings of a time field. |
XToggleButton | is supported by buttons which can be toggled between a "pressed" and an "unpressed" state |
XToolkit | specifies a factory interface for the window toolkit. |
XTopWindow | manages the functionality specific for a top window. |
XTopWindow2 | extends XTopWindow with additional functionality |
XTopWindowListener | makes it possible to receive window events. |
XUnitConversion | allows converting between different measurement units |
XUnoControlContainer | gives access to the tab controllers of a UnoControlContainer. |
XUserInputInterception | Interface to add handlers for key and mouse events. A handler is not a passive listener, it can even consume the event. |
XVclContainer | [ DEPRECATED ] represents a VCL container window. |
XVclContainerListener | [ DEPRECATED ] makes it possible to receive container events. |
XVclContainerPeer | [ DEPRECATED ] gives access to the VCL container window implementation. |
XVclWindowPeer | [ DEPRECATED ] gives access to the VCL window implementation. |
XView | makes it possible to attach an oputput device to the object. |
XWindow | specifies the basic operations for a window component. |
XWindow2 | specifies some extended operations for a window component. |
XWindowListener | makes it possible to receive window events. |
XWindowListener2 | allows receive window-related events, additional to the ones received by an XWindowListener |
XWindowPeer | gives access to the actual window implementation on the device. |
Structs | |
ActionEvent | a semantic event which indicates that a component-defined action occurred. |
AdjustmentEvent | adjustment event emitted by adjustable objects. |
DeviceInfo | contains information about a device. |
DockingData | data returned by docking handler |
DockingEvent | specifies a docking event. |
EndDockingEvent | specifies an end docking event. |
EndPopupModeEvent | specifies an end popup mode event. |
EnhancedMouseEvent | specifies an event from the mouse. |
FocusEvent | specifies a keyboard focus event. |
FontDescriptor | describes the characteristics of a font. |
Gradient | describes a color dispersion within an area. |
InputEvent | the root event class for all component-level input events. |
ItemEvent | specifies an event occurred to an item of a menu, a list box etc. |
ItemListEvent | is the event broadcasted by a ::XListItems implementation for changes in its item list. |
KeyEvent | specifies a key event. |
KeyStroke | Describes a key stroke for hotkeys etc. |
MenuEvent | specifies a menu event. |
MouseEvent | specifies an event from the mouse. |
PaintEvent | specifies the paint event for a component. |
Point | specifies a 2-dimensional point using the Cartesian coordinate system. |
Rectangle | specifies a rectangular area by position and size. |
Selection | specifies a numerical range. |
SimpleFontMetric | describes the general metrics of a certain font. |
Size | specifies the 2-dimensional size of an area using width and height. |
SpinEvent | specifies a spin button event. |
SystemDependentXWindow | [ DEPRECATED ] specifies a system dependent XWindow. |
TextEvent | specifies a text event. |
VclContainerEvent | specifies a container event. |
WindowDescriptor | describes a window. |
WindowEvent | specifies a window event. |
Exceptions | |
MaxChildrenException | This exception is thrown when adding a child to a container that is full. |
PrinterException | fired if a resource cannot be locked. |
Enums | |
AdjustmentType | specifies the adjustment type. |
FontSlant | used to specify the slant of a font. |
GradientStyle | specify the style of color dispersion. |
MenuItemType | specifies the type of a menu item, as returned by XMenu::getItemType(). |
MessageBoxType | specifies the type of a XMessageBox. |
PushButtonType | specifies the default actions of a button. |
RasterOperation | These values are used to specify the binary pixel-operation applied when pixels are written to the device. |
WindowClass | specifies the class of a window. |
Constant Groups | |
CharSet | [ DEPRECATED ] These values are used to specify the characters which are available in a font and their codes. |
Command | these values specify the different command types available. |
DeviceCapability | defines which capabilities a device supports. |
FieldUnit | specifies attributes for the MetricField map units. |
FocusChangeReason | A combination of these values can be used to specify the reason for a focus change. |
FontEmphasisMark | These values are used to specify the kind of emphasis mark. |
FontFamily | These values are used to specify the general kind of font. |
FontPitch | These values are used to specify whether the width of a character is fixed or variable. |
FontRelief | These values are used to specify the kind of relief. |
FontStrikeout | These values are used to specify the kind of strikeout. |
FontType | These values are used to specify the technology of the font representation. |
FontUnderline | These values are used to specify the kind of underlining. |
FontWeight | These values are used to specify whether a font is thin or bold. |
FontWidth | These values are used to specify the width of the characters of a font. |
ImageAlign | specifies the alignment of an image. |
ImageDrawMode | defines modes how an image is drawn onto a device |
ImagePosition | specifies the position of a image, relative to another object |
ImageScaleMode | defines modes how an image displayed in a given area should be scaled to fit this area |
ImageStatus | These values are used to specify to which degree an image is available. |
InvalidateStyle | specifies how to invalidate windows. |
Key | These values are used to specifies distinct physical keys. |
KeyFunction | These values are used to specify logical key functions. |
KeyGroup | [ DEPRECATED ] These values are used to specify functional groups of keys. |
KeyModifier | These values are used to specify which modifier keys are pressed. |
LineEndFormat | These values are used to specify which line end format should be used in strings |
MenuItemStyle | These values are used to specify the properties of a menu item. |
MessageBoxButtons | defines constants for the possible message box button combinations. |
MessageBoxResults | These constants are used to specify a result of executing a XMessageBox. |
MouseButton | These values are used to specify which keys on the mouse are pressed. |
MouseWheelBehavior | describes the scroll behavior of the mouse wheel for a control |
PopupMenuDirection | These values are used to specify the direction in which a popup menu will grow. |
PosSize | These constants are used to flag the parameters of a rectangle. |
ScrollBarOrientation | These constants are used to specify the orientation of a scroll bar. |
Style | specifies the style of a window. |
SystemPointer | specifies the shape of a mouse pointer. |
TextAlign | specifies the alignment of text. |
VclWindowPeerAttribute | [ DEPRECATED ] specifies attributes for the VCL window implementation. |
VisualEffect | These values are used to specify the visual effect of controls |
WindowAttribute | These values are used to specify the decorations of a window. |
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